First Dungeon

[You have gained an achievement!

You are the first person to enter a dungeon. This completes all prerequisites for the {First Dungeon} badge, it is awarded. As a reward you will be gifted 1x lvl 20 item box, 500 EXP, 1000 vis and the Dungeoneer Special ability (allows the user to earn 2x EXP when in a Dungeon) (you may except rewards in the mail menu)]

[You have gained an achievement!

You have entered your first dungeon. This completes all prerequisites for the {Novice Dungeoneer} badge, it is awarded. As a reward you will be gifted 1x lvl 10 item box, 500 EXP and 1000 vis (you may except rewards in the mail menu)]

[You have gained 5 achievements!

This completes all prerequisites for the {5 Achievements} badge, it is awarded. As a reward you will be gifted 5x Skill Points, 20x Stat Points and 1000 Vis (you may except rewards in the mail menu)]

I smiled at the notifications hovering in front of my face before I remembered where I was. I looked around and noticed I was in some kind of underground structure. It kind of looked like a mine shaft. Instead of torches there were luminous stones embedded in the wall at regular intervals that glowed blue and the walls were a glossy black colour shining where the light hit them, most likely made of obsidian.

I looked down the hallway that I found myself in and saw a large stone cross like one you might find in a graveyard. This kind of freaked me out for a second, I stood and waited for something to happen.

I jumped slightly as something tapped my shoulder I swung my dagger around and hit something hard causing me to jump back and ready myself.

I relaxed after seeing what I hit. Oscar stood in shock with his new shield raised above his head. "What the hell bro, you nearly killed us!" he said with a look of shock on his face. "Well don't sneak up on me like that!" I shouted back at him before we both burst out laughing.

Amidst the laughter I noticed that the rest of them had slowly filled in behind him and were looking at us as if we were insane. Suddenly a weird clacking sounded from behind me and I swung my dagger at it. This time I was met with some resistance but my attack went straight through.

A jumped back again before I realised what I hit. I lump of bones and tattered clothing dropped to the floor. Then I got another notification,

[You have gained an achievement!

You have defeated a monster. This completes all prerequisites for the {Monster Slayer} badge, it is awarded. As a reward you will be gifted 1x lvl 10 item box, 500 EXP and 1000 vis (you may except rewards in the mail menu)]

[You have gained an achievement!

You are the first person to kill a monster. This completes all prerequisites for the {First Monster} badge, it is awarded. As a reward you will be gifted 1x lvl 20 item box, 500 EXP, 1000 vis and the Monster Slayer Special ability (allows the user to earn 2x Vis when fighting monsters) (you may except rewards in the mail menu)]

"Wow!" I exclaimed to myself. I was getting so many achievements that I even got an achievement for my achievements. I continued staring at the notifications until I realised that there was another skeleton slowly stumbling towards me.

I jumped back to where everyone was stood and then spoke, "Okay, I just got an achievement from killing the skeleton so we'll each kill one before we proceed. Oscar you go first."

Oscar nodded and walked forward before screaming out a skill name, "SHIELD BASH!!" He shouted before his shield glowed white and hit the skeleton completely obliterating it. "Dude, don't you think that's a little overkill?" I asked him. All he did was smile and step back into formation.

Three more skeletons pulled themselves from underneath the ground near the giant cross. Three spells were called out from the back of the formation, "Light Arrow" "Shadow Ball" "Light Javelin". Rose, Lucy and Lana had fired of spells in perfect synchronisation before I had even told them to. These were true mages at work.

Even Cole was still stood in awe at the fact that they had fired off spells before he.

Five more skeletons then crawled out from under the cross and it shattered leaving behind an item glowing white.

Cole fired off an AoE spell, "Wave of Fire" killing four of them then I made short work of the fifth with my dagger. As I killed it I realised that the EXP cloud was splitting into four. One part each for everyone in my party.

I went over to the item that was left behind on the remains of the stone cross,

[Minor Health Potion - Item type : Potion - Rarity : 2 - Allows the user to heal 100HP]

I picked it up and tossed it to Oscar. Oscar would be the designated Porter in the party usually as he was the one with the largest health pool. I then sent a party invite to everyone so that we would earn equal EXP and Vis during our dugeoneering, everyone accepted.

I of course would get double what they got but they didn't need to know that. A white glow caught my eye, It was an item. The skeleton must have dropped it I looked towards were the other skeletons were killed but only found 3 items all together one Worn Knife and two Tattered Robes,

[Worn Knife - Trash - Stolen from a traveller by a skeleton - ATK + 10 - Durability : 10/10]

[Tattered Robes - Trash - Stolen from a traveller by a skeleton - DEF + 10 - Durability : 10/10]

I picked them all up and threw them to Oscar after appraising them. I then got another notification that made my face light up with a big smile.

[Skill : Appraisal has leveled from 1 to 2]