Getting married

[ Every parent wants their child to walk on a path filled with roses,

But- roses without thorns?

Are they worth it?

Is it worth living a life without problems?

Think about it....]

After Zhi Xin calmed down, father Zhi informed everyone that ruoruo should be married as soon as possible to prevent any harm to her reputation and also to prevent the business. When he asked if ruoruo had any problems she smiled and calmly answered

"I have no problems father. I know you will choose the best person for me to spend my life with."

The only thing Zhi Ruo ever wanted was her family to be happy. She always believed in her father's decision and always obeyed him. Also, it was her mother's wish for her to get married as soon as she turns eighteen so she followed her father's thoughts easily without rebelling.

" I will officially announce that we are looking for a groom for Ruoruo after the engagement matters calm down. I will sort out the ones I that I think can match well with you and then you can go on a date and find out your perfect match." Father Zhi informed.

When everyone nodded Zhi Ruo went back to her room and mother Zhi went back to the kitchen to take care of other matters while father Zhi and Zhi Xin went to the company to take care of official matters.

Inside the Su household, things were pretty bad.

Su Ye was beaten black and blue by father Su while mother Su was trying to pacify Father Su.

" Like mother like son. Not that I expected him to be any better than you but can't he at least keep one girl in control. What do you both think? Huh .....

What do you both think? Do you think we rose from rags to riches because of me?

Hah... If you think that you are the dumbest person present on earth.

95% of our profits are from the investment made in the Zhi family's business. Normal people like you cannot see, but I can see that our business started growing only after we joined hands with the Zhi family. "

Throwing another vase on the floor father Su added

"AAhhhhhhhhhhh.....Huuuuhhh." Mother Su shouted when the vase broke near her feet

" I don't know what the Zhi family is but I am sure there are not simple people and are far away from the reach of people like us. Even though your son missed the opportunity. How do you think I can handle this?" Breaking another vase father Su left the house.

Looking around Su Ye saw the living room in a total mess. He can't remember how many times his father slapped him today. His face started to feel numb. Anger filled his eyes "It's all because of you Zhi Ruo, I won't let you go. I will make you mine." mumbling Su Ye went into his room.

After both Father and son left Mother Su stood up upright, one could not see even an ounce of the pitiful, trembling, weak lady in her. Asking maids to clean the mess mother Su called someone over the phone asking that person to meet.