President Qing

[ An eye for an eye

A tooth for a tooth

Life for life.

A famous saying, isn't it?

But will revenge not make you the same person as your enemy?

Then what's the reason for revenge?

To become like the one who you once hated?

Think about it...]

After leaving the hospital Qing Shan went back to his house and got fresh had breakfast and left for office as usual. Looking at him no one would be able to tell that he is the same person who had slept only for a couple of hours.

When he entered his office, there was a tablet with his schedule recorded was kept on the table and a cup of hot coffee was placed just beside the tablet. He had a habit of having black coffee while reading his schedule. This was a very rare habit and was picked up by him while he was studying abroad.

Soon a man carrying around 10-12 files entered the room and kept the files on his table with a loud * THUD*. Dusted his hands and coat for dust and adjusted his golden framed glasses and started speaking:

" You always attract attention wherever you go. Huh... I told you many times to let me accompany you but you wanted to go alone. "

This person speaking was secretary Han. Qing Shan and Han Zheng (joe) were classmates while the president was studying abroad.

" It was precisely because it was you I decided its better not to take you... I think I need to appoint another secretary" spoke Qing shan

Hearing this Secretary Han smiled cheekily, leaned towards president Qing and spoke

" I know you are scared that I might steal all the beauties around you but, what can I do if I am so handsome."

Punching Han Zheng in his stomach Qing shan passed him a paper.

Looking at the paper secretary Han's expression changed to a shocked one.

" I thought you will spare them with a warning. After all, you have family relations with him"

If one looked at the paper that Qing Shan passed to Secretary Han it can be seen that It contains explicit pictures of Ms. Zhang with some dignitaries. The report also included information about Mr. Zhang's personal life including his various mistress.

" Who told them to deceive me. The only thing I cannot accept is deception, lies, betrayal.

The ones.... who... commit them... has to the ...price."

" Also this is just a warmup, now it depends upon them if they can handle it or crumble into pieces. Tough I will be happier if it's the latter. But for now, this will do" Qing shan spoke.

Secretary Han nodded and informed that needed actions will be taken by afternoon. Secretary Han sorted out the files into three categories, which needed immediate action, which needed to be checked and can be delayed while the third one was the projects that had lots of problems and can be delayed further.

Grabbing the pen from the pen stand Qing Shan started to go through the files that needed urgent decisions and spoke:

" I want you to find information about the Zhi family especially Miss Zhi."

Secretary Han was with Qing Shan for more than fifteen years as a friend, as his partner, as his junior, as his brother but, it was the first time that he heard Qing shan asking information about a lady. Sometimes he even had thought that he probably had a slightly different orientation.

" Did you hear me?"Asked Qing Shan when he didn't get an answer

Coming out from his stupor Seceratory Han teased:

" At last someone caught your eyes. So I must expect you to lose your V tag."

When Qing Shan glared at him, he grabbed the papers and started walking towards the door, when he reached the door he turned back and quickly spoke:

" Don't worry brother I will give this work most high priority and make sure you get to use your tools soon. HEHE" Hearing this Qing Shan aimed his pen at secretary Han but before it could hit him he ran out of the office.