Pancake mountain

[ Struggle is another name for future.

When today's wish dosent get accomplished,

our heart starts to plan the future...

We think about the accomplishmnet of our wish in future

But life, its not in future, neither in past....

Life is in this moment ...

But even after knowing this , we cant understand such a simple thing

We either keep thinking about past or keep on making plans for our future....

And life??? HeHe

life goes on ....

If we accept that we can neither see future, nor make it, we can just face it with our courage and determination...

Will it not make our present moments filled with life instead of worry and plans?

Think about it. ....]

In the evening when Yifei arrived she saw Zhi Ruo waiting for her in the living room on the couch..

Running towards Zhi ruo Yifei hugged her tight nad started crying....

*Sob* ruoruo *sob*.... You dont have to *sob sob *worry....

He didn't *sob* deserve you "

Patting Yifei's back ruoruo calmed her down and offered her pancakes.

Calming down yifei washed her face and then came and started gobbling world's tastiest pancakes. Fei fei had been to states for a couple of years with her parents where pancakes are a must for breakfast. But the pancakes that she had at the Zhi family were the best ever. As soon as you put them in mouth they melt giving a sweet choclatey taste.

"Yummmmyyyyy...ruoruo you can start a pancake shop as your side business. I only heard from Grandmom thet when a food is made with love it turns out even more tastier but I have witnessed it in your case. AAaaaaahhhhhh... MMMMMmmmmmmmm Its so tasty....."

Looking at her friend eating with her mouth full Zhi ruo added another pancake in her plate and asked her to eat well...

When Zhi Xin went for studies a few yeras ago, Zhi ruo used to call him regularly. Zhi Xin was a person who will never speak about his problems to anyone. Being in constant touch with Zhi Xin, Zhi Ruo was able to undestand the life in states. Being in states changed Zhi Xin's tastes. The food that he had ina broad slowly changed his pallete making him more prone to stomach problems after having spicy food.

One day Zhi Ruo was shopping with Zhi Xin when both decided to have lunch in a western restaurant. Though Zhi ruo ordered pasta and noodles Zhi Xin only ate pancakes of different tastes. During lunch she realised thet Zhi Xin loved pancakes all along but because he could'nt make it and the difference in tastes he was unable to have it.

After a month on Zhi Xin's birthday he was gifted with a pancake mountain which had almost 50 different flavours and some were even fusions of different cusines specially prepared by Zhi ruo.

Since then Zhi Ruo has been known to make the best pancakes. Feifei tried to learn it from her many times but she was a cooking disaster which was pretty much expected from Zhi ruo's best friend.

The pancake mountain surprised everyone precisely because Zhi ruo was a person who was even unable to cook rice. Once she heated oil in a microwave along with water leading to explosion. Since then no one in her family allowed her to cook.