
[What is the meaning of being best ?

It means having more knowledge than others

basically, it wont matter that how much knowledge you have,

What matters is if your knowledge is more than others?

The desire to become best sometimes turns gaining knowledge into competition...

But, does the competition ever end?????

For some amount of time you can be the best but can it be forever?

This leads to dissatisfaction, unhappiness.....

But can we try to become better instead of best ....

Being better means to gain more than we had yesterday... Not in comparison with someone...

Just to satisfy yourself, satisfy your soul.

When we desire to become better there is no competition with anyone...Just a comparison with ourselves

Basically, the one who tries to become better will gain all the knowledge at his own pace,

making him the best without trying to be the best.....

But the one who tries to become the best he might or might not be able to become best,

but he can never be better...

So what do you want to become Better or Best??????

Think about it....]

After Yifei was done eating pancakes ruoruo and yifei started to take walk in the garden while discussing about ruoruo's scandal.

Zhi ruo explained yifei that she was never in love with Su ye and was just trying to cultivate feelings which were always destroyed time and again due to his behaviours.

Due to which she had no problems mentally or psycologically after the breakup.

After confirming many times with Zhi ruo if she was telling the truth Yifei was feeling better. After speaking a little bit more Yifei left for her home ofcourse with a tiffin box with pancakes which should be enough for two days atleast.

Looking at yifei's back Zhi ruo thought about when yifei met her first time.

She was a transfer student.

The day she entered the class her seat was decided to be besides Zhi ruo by the class teacher due to the fact that Zhi ruo was a bright girl and might help in the new student adjusting.

But when Zhi ruo first saw her she got weird vibes from yifei. Something a miss. Like a puzzle.

The way yifei used to look at her, how she used to get into her circle and everything.

For a year Zhi ruo ignored all the friendly advances that yifei had towards her. When she tried to run errands with Zhi ruo she would coldly reject. This went on till a year when suddenly one day. Zhi ruo was doing her dance practise in school. She forgot to notice that the clock on the wall was stuck at a particular time giving her the illution that it was early evening whereas it was already past 9 pm.

Usually ruoruo would practise or study in school till 6 pm and never beyond that. When she got tired of practising she realised that the wall clock was stuck. Getting nervous she went towards the locker room to grab her belongings and check the time. When she grabbed her bag snd wore her watch she saw that it was almost 8.50 pm. Thinking her parents would be scared she decided to rush home.

"Oh the goddess, ....I thought today you would practise all night..." Spoke one boy named Du Lin

" But that wont be a problem brother Lin afterall we have been prepared to entertain our goddess for the whole night" Spoke another boy from the group.