Accepting the proposal

[Sometimes their hearts were joined like single person..

Sometimes they were like complete strangers.....

Its love]

When Qing Shan showed his grandma the letter and the agreement she started laughing. Thinking if his grandma was angry on Zhi ruo he was about to put in one or two good words for her when he received a slap on his shoulders.

Looking at his grandma with a questioning gaze he scrunched his face. Wsa this the side effects of delaying a surgery. Just one second ago his grandma was laughing and now shes hitting him and angry on him. Just what in the world was happening...

Understanding that her grandson was standing like a fool Grandma Qing explained him that he dosen't needs to worry, this clauses were just a part of paperwork and they will never affect his life with his wife.

Though there was no reasonable explaination from his grandma about the clauses but still Qing Shan was releived and asked

"But how are you so sure? and why are the clauses even there? They don't even make sense..."

Immediately giving Qing shan a death glare Grandma Qing asked him if he had asked Zhi ruo the same questions?

Looking at his grandma he knew that he better never ask her, her gaze was clearly implying 'If you ask you are a dead meat'

Shaking his head he was about to question again when Grandma Qing spoke up:

"Grandson, With time you will get all of your answers. For now you will have to promise me you won't ask Zhi ruo about this. Not till she herself tells you. I can trust you on this right?"

Sighing he thought he might be the first person in the world who will not be killed by any disease but rather be killed by time/ waiting. "I promise Grandma"

Inside Qing Shan's house,

He signed on the agreement and called Zhi ruo which was immediately picked up:

"It seems Miss Zhi was waiting for my call. "

"I indeed was. So Mr. Qing what have you decided?"

Looking at the signed agreement he sighed and spoke

"I am ready to accept your conditions, but there are some issues on my side as well"

Hearing a positive answwer Zhi ruo was shocked and forgot to answer.

Heraing no answer on other side of teh phone Qing shan checked if the call was still connected, Confirming that he asked if someone was still there?

Getting out of her shock Zhi ruo answered:

"Oh,sorry I was little zoned out.

I can help you with any issues till they don't coincide with the clauses mentioned in the contract"

Informing Zhi ruo about his grandmas health and about her expected surgery which was now due within 12 days Qing shan asked her if they can get a certificate first and then get married later to which Zhi ruo answered:

"I am sorry, I didn't knew about it.

We have already decided to get married so I don't think there should be any problem with getting a certificate first and then starting to know each other. As you suggested we can book an appointment for it after we inform our families and you meet with my family. About the wedding, I am yet to finish my studies and I don't want everyone to know about it. But if you feel it needs to be told to everyone we can do that. "