Three year old

"Miss Zhi, I am indebted to you. It's not easy for any girl to marry a man who she has not even met. I will respect your wishes. Our marriage will be kept under wraps. I will visit your family tomorrow and then we can discuss the best day to get a certificate. " Replied Qing Shan.

"That sounds good. But let me inform Mr. Qing that my parents would not like to be blown off like me...."told Zhi ruo.

"Ahh. mmm. I will make sure to reach on time." answered Qing Shan.

Some time ago.....

When Zhi ruo reached home from Qing Shan's office after leaving the letter and the agreement she started feeling uneasy.

She never understood why those conditions were important but.....

Closing her eyes Zhi ruo remembered....

One lady wearing black full length gown, along with a big hat, face covered with sunglasses. The only body part visible would be her lips which were painted red. A deep colour of blood red. That lady got down from a black car accompanied by a child, a three year old child who was walking alongside her. The child was also wearing same set of clothes, except that the child's none body part was visible.

Both mother and daughter started walking towards an unconstructed site and were welcomed by many people wearing black clothes. Passing them both went inside the building, but unlike today they were accompanied by two more people. One was a very old person whereas another was a middle aged man.

It was the first time that Zhi ruo saw the building with her mother and also the last time with her mother.

Zhi ruo was explained how to access the keypads and she was also told ebout the passwords. Her mother even showed her the place where the piece of paper which she saw today morning will be kept. Her mother at that time patiently explained her that she should not tell anyone about this place and she should obey what is written in the letter at the time of her marriage without fail.

She was also told that she should not visit this place frequently and after her mother's death the middle aged man would come to her at appropriate time and help her in accessing the place. She was also told not to believe anyone else except her father and the two people who entered the building with them.

At that time the Zhi family was not in Beijing but were in XXX city which was too far. When Zhi ruo asked her mom how can she come and visit this place without anyone knowing when she would have to travel for more than a day. Laughing at her daughter's question her mother answered that everything will be arranged along with time.

It was just after a month that her mother died in an accident. Zhi ruo never thought that that would be her last trip with her mother...

After her mother's accident she was immediately sent over here along with some maids and that was when she realised her mother's words. Her mother was no more.....

Everything that was mentioned in the agreement was what her mother wrote in that piece of paper. No matter how much ever Zhi ruo tries to think about the place and everything she is unable to find out.

While Zhi ruo was thinking her cell phone rang and Qing shan's call came in .