Grandma Qing's surgery

Reading about Qing Shan's police custody, Zhi ruo called him which was picked up by his lawyer who informed Zhi ruo that Qing Shan was under interrogation and might not be able to talk for the time being. If there was something important she can tell him.

Denying the offer Zhi ruo kept the call and started to work on the final draft of her thesis.

She was one of the student's whose thesis were chosen to be considered as model thesis and will be published on a large scale and distributed under her professor's name.

Later in the day Qing Shan dropped a message to Zhi ruo that he is fine and will be unable to return back so Zhi ruo can stay at her parents house and later they can think about moving in together after he comes back.

Things were going well for a couple of days when suddenly the Zhi family was informed that Grandma Qing collapsed and might have to undergo surgery immediately.

Zhi ruo and Mother Zhi quickly rushed to the hospital when Grandma Qing was already in the operation room.

Mother Qing, Father Qing and Grandpa Qing were sitting outside the operating room. Quickly going to Grandpa Qing, Zhi ruo greeted him and offered to get some water for everyone while Mother Zhi stood besides Mother Qing and was consoling her. Ftaher Qing was trying to keep the news under wraps while Qing Shan on other end was kept in strict police custody till the case was solved.

Getting the news of his grandma's surgery he got angry.

The officer who was there to keep an eye on him started feeling cold all over, sufddenly the temeprature started dropping. But the only person who was left unaffected by it was probably Qing Shan's lawyer as he was already aware of Qing Shan's temper and his dealing methods. The only thing that he didnt understood was why Qing Shan waited this long to act when he could deploy his own people to find the kidnapped person or to be precise the person who sued their company and now went into hiding. But who was eh to question the decisions of KING.

Ordering his people to find the person who was hiding and to use their own ways to make him take back the complaint within an hour Qing Shan made some calls and then told his lawyer to take care of the procedure over here while he will be travelling back. By the time Qing Shan boarded his flight back to Beijing Grandma Qing's surgery was completed and there were high chances that she would be waking up within a couple of hours. Getting relieved about the good news everyone tried to contact Qing Shan but his cell phone was unreachable and Father Qing was informed that he was already on his way back and would reach within three more hours.

Because the surgery was successful, doctor had advised only one person to stay while all others can go back. Everyone except Grandfather Qing left and after two hours Grandmother Qing was consious.

Checking her health and overall parameters it was told that she might recover well and would be out of danger completely after passing 24 hours observation.

When Qing Shan arrived Grandma Qing was already asleep due to exhaustion.

Getting relieved he sat down besides his Grandma and kept his head besides her hand.

After 30 minutes he got up and stood in front of his grandpa.