Getting Zhi Ruo home

Looking at his grandson who had handeled his positions very well but was pretty much clumsy or can be said a failure in handling his husband dutie Grandpa Qing sighed and asked him to sit besides him on the couch and spoke:

"Do you think I don't know that you and Zhi ruo signed the certificates seperately or that you both have not yet met?"

Though Qing Shan never tried to hide it but it was also a fact that he didn't say it. Looking at Qing Shan bowing his head in guilt Grandpa Qing patted his shoulders and explained him,

"Zhi ruo has been chosen by your Grandmother and I don't want her to feel that she had made a mistake.

You both are already married, now you have to think about her as your wife, all of yoour decisions should be considered by keeping your wife in mind. Till today you havre dealt with things in your own way but now you have to change your tactics. What you did this time has disappointed me. I thought you would come back quickly by solving it hance, i didn't interfere but you vanished immediately after your marriage.

Have you thought what Zhi ruo or her parents must be feeling? "

Realizing his mistake Qing Shan felt ashamed, he knew what his grandfather was implying. How can he be busy immediately after getting married when it was a arrange marriage. Apologizinng about his behaviour Qing Shan vowed that he would take care of Zhi ruo before making any such decisions in future and was about to leave when he heard his grandpa say

"Husband and wife should stay together."

Stopping at the door Qing Shan said that he understood and left.

In the parking lot,

Sitting inside his car Qing Shan called the cleaners and asked them to clean the house nad fill the refridgerator and kitchen with some foods and snacks.

Next, calling his assistant he asked him to get him a supplementary card.

Then he called his parents and then subsequently called Zhi ruo's parents and informed them that he was back and would like to pick up his wife which was happily agreed by both the families.

After thinking and fidgeting with his mobile phone while constantly going to call log and messages for around half hour. Suddenly taking a deep breath Qing Shan called the number.

"Hello, president Qing."

Clearing his throat Qing Shan answered,

" Hello Miss Zhi,

(after pausing nad reframing his words)

I am back"

Packing her clothes in a suitcase, Zhi ruo replied

"Oh, thats good...So did you see grandmother?"

"Yes, I just met her.

Miss Zhi, I was thinking if I should pick you up by evening, afterall we are married now. "said Qing Shan and was waiting nervously for Zhi ruo's answer. Though he was sure that she would not say no, but he was too inconsiderate of her making him guilty and ashamed.

Chuckling Zhi ruo answered:

"Yes, that is a sure thing and also I think my parents are more excited to send me.....

so you can send me the address and I will come by late evening."

Rejecting her offer Qing Shan told her that he will pick her up and also meet her parents to which Zhi ruo explained him that she had to pickup some surveys to finalize her draft on the way and it would be troublesome if their time dosen't matches again.

Understanding her reason Qing Shan decided not to argue and sent her the address.