Zhi Ruo's job.....

Looking at his wife coming down with the help of her daughter in law grandpa Qing left the chess board and ran towards Grandma Qing.

Holding her other hand he also started supporting her while asking "Honey, why did you come down so early? You should have rested a little more. Did you forgot the doctor said you need a lot of rest"

Glaring at her husband Grandma Qing replied, "Is this still early? they will be here in next ten minutes. Do you want me to show them how weak I am. Shut up and take me down?"

"No No honey, you aren't weak....you are so strong, see you also came down with your own decision..." appeased grandpa Qing while helping Grandma Qing with some water.

"What is been made for dinner?" asked grandma Qing

"I have asked Mrs Zhi and made all of Zhi Ruo's favorite dishes." answered mother Qing smiling widely and waiting for praise from her mother in law.