Psychologist at criminal dept.....

"Yes job." repeated Zhi Ruo carefully observing everyone's faces and trying to deduce their reactions.

"Where did you join?" asked Grandma Qing

"is it to your liking?" asked Father Qing

"What is the position?" Asked Grandpa Qing

"Do you want me to send you lunch box everyday?" asked Mother Qing

Looking at everyone with a confused expression Zhi Ruo thought, ' Are this people for real? I mean, shouldn't they oppose me and say something like how dare I do a job, or something like I should focus on being a wife.... Why does they seem more excited than me?..... And specially what is that look on Qing Shan's face... '

Coming out of her thought process Zhi Ruo answered everyone's questions, "I will be joining from Monday, as a trainee psychologist in the criminal department under my senior."

"Trainee?????" repeated Grandfather Qing with a little angry expression.

"How can they ask our family's daughter in law to be a trainee??" exclaimed Father Qing