
"By the way, How did you know that there is something that doesn't seem to be matching senior?" asked Zhi Ruo

"It was very simple. If you think logically. The suspect only wanted to meet her and explain her and ask her to not leave him. But why would he follow her around, keep calling and texting her when he already had the passcode for her door.

A straight minded person would go to his girlfriend's house and wait for her to come back instead of following her around.

This point sole was my reason to think that that the culprit is someone else." explained Senior Xu

"That actually makes sense. I didn't think it of that way though." said Zhi Ruo.


Inside the custody room,

"Hello, I am the psychologist incharge of your case. This is my team. You can tell us what you want to speak about the charge of harassment against you." spoke Senior Xu