Drop you home?

Coming out of the police station senior Xu praised Zhi Ruo, "That was a smart work. The way you handled him was impressive considering this is your first case."

"Thankyou Senior".

Opening the co-pilot seat for Zhi Ruo senior Xu gestured for her to sit before taking his seat as a driver.

Looking at his watch, Senior Xu asked," It's already time to leave office, do you want me to drop you home or office?"

"Let's go back to office, I need to pick up my stuff." answered Zhi Ruo after thinking for some time.

While driving Senior Xu suddenly spoke, "Zhi Ruo"


"Some times the criminals have a peculiar mind. Try to not be so close to them. I don't want you getting hurt."......

'I won't be able to bear it' but the last part didn't come out of his throat.

Looking at senior, Zhi Ruo smiled and said as if it wasn't a big deal, "I wasn't scared because you were present, when I will be alone, I will be careful."

patting senior Xu's shoulder Zhi Ruo added, "Don't worry Senior."