Get together

Zhi Ruo had just entered the office and kept her bag on the cubicle. Suddenly she was back hugged by someone followed by a screaming excited voice, "My God, at last, you are back. I thought you ran away."

Laughing on Han Mi's childish thoughts, Zhi Ruo smacked her head lightly. Turning around she hugged Han Mi tightly saying, "I missed you all. And why will I run away?"

Han Mi who was elated on Zhi Ruo's arrival stuck her tongue out after teasing Zhi Ruo.

Zhi Ruo started to unpack her items from the bag while she also cleaned her working space with wipes.

Han Mi took the opportunity to slide her chair and get it close to Zhi Ruo. Sitting on it she sipped her cup of coffee while intently looking at Zhi Ruo like a child looking at his favorite cartoon.