Messy office

Zhou Ruihan and Li Xiaoli had just entered the office. Even before they could have a look of the view inside the office they were greeted by the happy laughter of Han Mi. All three of them were working for a long time with each other, thus they were quickly able to understand that it was Han Mi who was giggling like a child.

Looking at each other Ruihan murmured as he quickened his pace, "Why is she laughing so much?"

Xiaoli added another question while trying to match his pace with Ruihan, "She might be seeing a funny video."

Looking at both the girls playing catch catch Ruihan and Xiaoli supported their forehead. At first, they both thought these girls would stop after two or three rounds. Contrary to their expectations both the girls apparently were enjoying the cat and mouse chase so much that they had knocked every other thing that came in the way, including files, vase, water bottles, and whatnot.