Stop the investigation

Zhi Ruo did not hesitate. She had already accepted the role of Qing Shan's wife then the rest ones would eventually follow. Hugging Grandma Qing Zhi Ruo thanked her for her support and trust.

"I will go and help mother with dinner." Saying Zhi Ruo left to look for Mother Qing.

"Qing Shan." Qing Shan was about to follow Zhi Ruo when he heard his grandmother calling him out.

"Yes, grandma?"

"I heard what happened at the construction site."

Qing Shan apologized for hot protecting Zhi Ruo, "I am sorry grandma, Zhi Ruo had to suffer because of me. But, I will make sure to find out who was behind it."

"Stop the investigation."

"What?" Qing Shan was unable to believe what he heard.

"I said stop the investigation." Grandma Qing spoke again.

"Why? Just you said you will never let her be wronged... Then why now?" Qing Shan was completely caught off guard by Grandma Qing's words.