Free of shackles

A small part of Zhi Ruo's heart was happy, dancing, feeling elated. After so many years she met someone who knew her mother. Someone who she can ask about her mother. Since her mother died, she became a forbidden topic in their home. To show that she had come out of the trauma of losing her mother Zhi Ruo never talked about her mother. All the questions everything she kept it buried in her heart.

"I know you have so many questions. I have the answer to all those questions. I know the past, present, and future as well. But, I don't have the ability to tell you. This has to be done by only the one who is involved in this." Grandma Qing explained, making Zhi Ruo's happy heart fall back into sadness.

"Can you not answer any of my questions?" Zhi Ruo asked in a choked-up voice. Her eyes were filled with tears while her heart was beating wildly with the hope of hearing a yes.