Finding Answers-2

There are plenty of things people fall in love with, there are also plenty of habits that make people fall in love with one another. Some fall in love with the bright blooming trees, some fall in love with the beautiful flowers while some fall in love with the different colors and some with the smell.

Some people love the smell of the rain, while some like getting drenched in it. Some people feel that it gives their minds different tranquility while some feel it a bothersome phenomenon.

Similarly for Zhi Ruo, marriage was something that would not affect her ever, at least that was what she thought. 

She had seen many people dealing with marriage as if it did not bother them, while some made their whole lives depend on it. Trying to stay away from it, she herself became the one who she never thought she would become. She became dependant on the marriage.

Why? Because dependence is not something that you can control. 

It is an uncontrollable feeling!