Mystery of the bracelet-1

Zhi Ruo's face immediately changed as soon as she heard that Grandma Qing's question.

Zhi Ruo turned her head to look at Qing Shan before she simply nodded her head.

According to Zhi Ruo, they were here because Grandma Qing wanted to see her whereas Qing Shan already knew the reason they were there. Thus his face or his expressions were much calmer than Zhi Ruo's.

"Do you also remember the construction site accident?" Grandma Qing questioned again.

After hearing Grandma Qing's first question Zhi Ruo thought that probably Grandma Qing wanted to tell her something about her family, that she took out the topic.

Now after hearing the second question which was not related to anyone in the family but was only related to Qing Shan's accident Zhi Ruo furrowed her eyebrows.

This time she did not look at Qing Shan to see his expressions instead, she just nodded softly, waiting for another question from Grandma Qing.