Dr. Gu- The Culprit.

Ask Han Wei realized everything, her body started trembling fiercely as, at this moment she

had given up all of her hopes that she would be able to survive. 

She closed her eyes with tears flowing through them and started feeling dizzy all of a sudden making her realize that indeed, her time was coming to an end.

 Looking at Han Wei giving up quietly yet so immediately, he felt a sense of pride and his ego and arrogance rose to the top.

 Unknown to them, the place that they were at, was completely filled by surveillance. Mot only that it was filled with people not to mention innumerable cameras placed on the site.

Since Dr Gu knew that Han Wei had given up, he started uttering everything about what he

had given her.

Doctor Gu squatted down as he kept the hammer aside and used his right hand to softly pat on Han Wei's head before he turned his gaze at the injection in his hand, "You know what this is?"