Zhi Ruo's dilemma!

Since most of the things were already done, everyone went back to their home to take a good night sleep as the next day was one of the most important days for their departments and they had to make sure that they all looked their best on that day. Not only in terms of appearance, even in terms of their confidence. 

Qing Shan had his people who were constantly informing him about the updates and it was also one of the main reasons that the person supporting Doctor Gu was unable to find out what exactly happened in the brief span of movement they had just lost connection.

Qing Shan was standing outside Zhi Ruo's office waiting for her to come back so that he could drive her back home. 

As soon as Zhi Ruo came downstairs she was just about to call a taxi in order to take her back to the Qing's mansion but her eyes suddenly landed on a familiar car with a familiar person standing while leaning on the door looking at her with starry eyes.