Nervous Zhi Ruo!

Zhi Ruo was trying to spend as much time as she could in the clock room, trying to extend, as if

doing so would help her in hiding from Qing Shan. 

On the other hand, Qing Shan had already kept his and Zhi Ruo's breakfast on the table and had started making up the messy bed while waiting for Zhi Ruo to come back from the cloakroom. 

A good amount of time had already passed by, and the breakfast was almost about to be cold,

when Qing Shan realized that he was not hearing any voice from the cloakroom, wondering

what would make Zhi Ruo take such a long time. 

After some amount of time, as Qing Shan was wondering about Zhi Ruo, he suddenly realized something.

Just then Zhi Ruo's confused face flashed in front of his eyes and it was only now that he noticed the fact that Zhi Ruo's behavior was really strange, making him feel that something was wrong.