Mother Qing's Plan Failure

When Mother Qing heard Father Qing's question, which was clearly showing his anger, frustration, and of course irritation as well, she narrowed her eyes towards him and made a raising eyebrow gesture, as if asking him, 'you question me?'

Mother Qing even did not forget to squint her eyes as she took a deep breath and folded her hands in front of her chest. 

How can Father Qing not understand his wife's thoughts?

After being married to Mother Qing for such a long time and after raising one son along with her, Father Qing can actually tell what was going in her mind, except for some of her mischievous thoughts, that has always landed him in trouble.

Realizing that he had indeed spoken something out under the influence of his emotions, he quickly shook his head vigorously, and started praising and pleasing mother Qing with a flattering smile on his face.