No One Believed Him

After everyone from the room left, only two persons were left in the hospital room. Guard Two took a couple of steps ahead towards the bed and stood straight in front of the man lying on the bed. 

"What happened?" These two words were more than enough to bring the terror back to the man who was lying in bed. His body started shaking violently and his heartbeat became erratic, which was clearly shown on the instrument displaying his heartbeat as it started making some weird sounds. 

These things did not go unnoticed by Guard Two as he raised his eyebrows, thinking, "You are much more scared of what happened than me? Uh Huh!"

Even though his words sounded a lot angrier and dominant, the person lying on the bed had no effect from these words as no changes were seen in his body. But, he still knew that in order to keep his life or the last moments of his life, he had to shake his head, showing the terror of the Guard Two.