
The next day they decided to find Sillicus the main healer that helped Rose with her burn wounds.they went around the small Healer complex building to talk to Sillicus in hopes to finding a healer for Aarie's baby brother.

Rose knocked on the door. She and Aarie stood there waiting. The door opened with the pretty Priest standing there. "Yes?" Sillicus asked. There was a pile of books behind her on a chair. One was open as if she's been reading it. "Hey how you been these days? We have a serious question we've been wanting to ask you." Rose said. Sillicus opened the door up wider. "Well come right on in! It's been a few days since I've had some guests, oh and sorry for the mess I've been doing some potion research."

They took a seat on her love seat. There was a black cat sitting there with bright yellow eyes staring intently. It was the same cat they saw the night before. "Hi kitty." Rose said wanting to pet it, it hissed at her and ran off again. "Oh my." She gasped. "Darn cat." Rose pouted.

"Let me just tidy up here a little bit." Sillicus said moving books off an old chair next to her desk with a pretty glass blue night light on it. "So what question do you have for me? People don't come over here unless they are seeking healing." She stared at them with her long pink robe that went down to her feet. Her hair was up in a messy bun.

"Well... I happen to have a sick family member. A new born baby brother to be exact. We don't know what's wrong with him he was born several weeks early, but that shouldn't make him sick..." Aarie said frowning intently. This made Rose rub his back for comfort. "We've tried almost everything..."

"Well, you do know I only specialize in healing outside wounds. But I do know of a healer who does know how to do the inner body healings." Sillicus said picking up a book. There where writings in it. "Her name is Coil, she is a very great healer. You would find her on the outskirts of Twilight Forest. There you can go to her and ask for a special potion. But it would cost 100 tokens." She had a sack with the token coins in it. She pulled a hand full of them out. "Here, I happen to have 100 tokens. Pay me back when ever you can no rush." She handed it to Aarie. He stared at the tokens.

"Wait why are you giving us this much money ?" Asked Aarie, Sillicus laughed. "Because i like to help. Don't even worry about it." She closed her old book and set it back down on her desk. "We will for sure pay you back when we can! It's so appreciated." Rose said happily and smiling at the Priest.

"Of course, I trust you. Now, anything else you need? Oh, before you go I have the directions on a peace of paper for you to go to Coils house. She handed a folded paper to Aarie." Be carful out there. There's beasts that live in that forest and sometimes demons." She warned them.

Rose sighed, "we will be careful, I've been taking training classes so I'll be better prepared. And Aarie is more skilled than I am so he's got my back." Sillicus smiled at this. "Oh that's great to hear!also you need to have wapertinger parts to help scare off the demons." Aarie pulled his wapertingers foot out. "We both have one. I gave Rose one yesterday." Sillicus nodded her head. "Then you guys are all set! Don't forget to bring some snacks on the way too. The forest is a little far from here, it's an hour on foot unless you take a different way of transportation and then it's about 20-25 mins."

"Oh ok, we will figure that out. Thanks again for your help! We will for sure pay you back." Rose said getting up off the chair. Aarie got up as well and bowed at Sillicus. "See you soon after our trip."

As soon as they left Sillicus's house, the priest said a prayer for their safety. The black cat came back out from hiding. "Are they gone now?" The cat asked with its big yellow eyes. "Yes don't be scared." She patted him on his head. "Good, they scare me." He purred. "They are good people don't worry Simon." She told her cat. He watched them walk away out of the side of the curtains.