
Year 2028

Ren Lennon was thrown in a bright cold room, which in Burtgundy facility, was known as a cell. His body ached, and hardly had the energy to move. With what energy he had, he sat up and looked around in disbelief at what was to be his new home for a very long time. This cell, he regretablly had to admit, was better than most. Besides it being deathly cold, it had a bed with a nice thick mattress in the far left corner. In the far right was a sink with a mirror above and a toilet. In the center of the ceiling was a single bright light that lit the room extremely well. That was all, however. the basic necessitites. In near right corner of the room was a security surveillence camera.

"Better get used to it, soldier. This facility is going to be your hell hole until you die," remarked the guard as a smirk emerged upon his face.


The guard slammed the door shut, sealing Ren within. The sound echoed throughout the room, sinking his heart as he slowly grasped the situation he was in. Shortly after that, the light went out, engulfing Ren in total darkness. He listened to the guards footsteps as he began to walk down the hallway until they grew distant enough that he could hear them no longer.

"DAMNIT!" Ren slamed his fist in the gound as tears began to stream down his face. "Why..... why.... WHY!" On the ground, he curled up into a ball holding his head sobbing. "This... this... If... if only... if only..."

Ren continued to sink in despair as he relived the last memory he had of his two friends. He was now all alone, and helpless. Due to the overall exhaustion, he slowly fell asleep on the cold floor of his new cell, his home, alone.

The next morning, Ren awoke with a start. The first thing that he saw was the dusty floor. He sat up and looked around at his surroundings. It was the same dull room. His mood sank as he was hoping everything that happened was a dream. At the same time, He wondered where exactly he was. He remembered the name of the facility, but not the location in which the facility was located.

"I'm never sleeping on the floor again." If his body didn't ache before, it did now.

Ren stood up and walked over to the sink. He turned the water on and splashed some water on his face, afterwards looking in the mirror. He was a 18 year old boy, around 5'10" and skinny. He had black hair that was longer on top and faded to short on the sides and green eyes.

Ren winced with a sudden throbbing pain in his side. He lifted up his shirt to see that there was a scar in the shape of an "X" on his right side just above the waist. He forgot about the core that was implanted into his body.

Ren then heard footsteps coming towards his room. He heard the fumbling of keys and a soft click as the door was unlocked and then swung open. There stood the manager of the Burtgundy facility, Commander Boldwin, a tall slender man in a black uniform. "Morning soldier, time for your first taste of hell. Put this uniform on and meet me outside in 5 minutes."

Two Days ago...

"Ren you can't join the military, you don't even have an ability!" argued Arlene, a short stubburn girl with brown hair, a friend of Ren's.

"I agree Ren, your just going to get yourself killed." This was Jason, another friend of Ren's who was taller than he was and had black hair and an athletic figure.

"I just want to help in any way I can, I'm sure the military can do something with me. They still take recruits wihtout abilities, they just set us up with guns. Hell, they could just put me in intelligence and I won't have to do any fighting," argued Ren. "Plus their is really nothing else I am interested in, and there is always constant war, so they are always recruiting."

"On another note, listen to this," said Jason trying to change the subject, "Another attack occurred and its somewhat near here. This time 10 people went missing afterwords. Nearly the entire town was wiped out. No one knows what exactly happened because there were no witnesses.

"Thats not exactly comforting," said Arlene in a somewhat worried tone.

"Thats why I want to join the military, I want to help put a stop to these kinds of things!" exclaimed Ren.

"Guys, lets go, where going to be late for the movie!" said Jason as he hurridly grabbed the car keys and gestured for the other two to follow him to the car.

The trio pulled into the parking lot.

"Doesn't look like there are any spots open. I'll just park next to the curb by those houses," said Jason.

The Sun was just starting to go down. All three got out and began to walk towards the theater. The theater was on the edge of a residential complex.

"Man you suck at parking Jason," critisized Arlene.

"Its only crooked. I'm still between the lines which is all that matters, unlike someone I know," Jason retorted.

"That was one time Jason"

"Lay off me then..."

"Ok you two lovebirds, quit it," said Ren. Arlene blushed after this comment.


Next to them suddenly was a gas canister. "IT'S GAS!" scream Jason.

Ren's eyes began to burn as well as his throat, and his eyes began to get watery. He began to cough uncontrollably as the gas filled his lungs.


A continuous onslaught of of the gas canisters filled the area. Ren fell to his knees. His vision started going in and out. He could make out a couple of men in combat gear and masks swarming the residential area.

"Ren..." COUGH! 'Try not to...." COUGH! "To breath it in!", gasped Arlene. Arlene and Jason, having difficulties of their own, both scooped one arm of their shoulders and hoisted Ren up and began to drag him, trying to get out of the gas cloud.

Due to Arlene and Jason having abilities, they had bodies that are naturally more resistent to the gas than Ren who is handicapped.


Ren heard distant screams as well as gunfire throughout the residential complex.


This voice rose from somewhere within the gas cloud towards the residential area. Ren felt himself stop moving. His vision completely obscured, he had to assume that Arlene and Jason had lost the ability to carry him any further. His consciousness started to slip. Then everything went black...