The Core

Ren woke up, dazzed. He felt an unknown pressure across his chest, arms and legs. He tried to move, which proved unsuccessful. He realized he was strapped onto a table.

"WHAT IS THIS!" yelled Ren. He then realized that his side was throbbing in pain.

"Oh, your finally awake", replyed a voice from the edge of the room. "Doctor he is awake now, could you get down here as soon as possible?"

Ren looked up and saw a skinny young woman in a white nurse's uniform. She rose from here chair and began to walk towards him.

"Where am I, and why am I strapped down!? Where are my friends, are they alright!?"

"You are currently being held in a facility known as Burtgundy Facility. As for the straps..."

"They were a necessary precaution due to the surgury that you just had." In stepped a man in a white doctor's coat, with gray hair, glasses and cheerful expression on his face. "My name is Dr. Donavin. I am the one who performed the surgery."

"Surgery!?" questioned Ren.

"Doctor I'll take over from here, " replied a deep stern voice. "I'm Commander Lee Boldwin. I am the manager and Commander of this facility. Your friends are dead."

Ren's expression went blank as he repeated those words in his head.

"Dead?" questioned Ren.

"We came across you and your friends during one of our raids. We ended up taking you with us since you showed no trace of magic eminating from you. Unfortunently your friends were killed since that was the nature of that operation," explained the Commander. "Our goal here at this facility is to turn the tide of the war by making potential use of the useless. We are gathering up handicaps and implanting them with something only recently invented. We call it the Core. Some join willingly, while others need some more... convincing."

"What makes you think I would join you?" asked Ren.

"If I recall correctly, you want to join the military, Mr. Ren Lennon. You won't officially be considered to be in the military, but we work rather close with the higher ups there. We are offering you a chance to work with them as well as great power."

"You guys are going about this the wrong way and how do you have my information?"

"Believe me, we have our connections and a reason for how we operate. Just like you, there are not many who would exactly smile upon how we operate."

"What if I refuse?" Both Dr. Donovan's and the nurse's expressions darkened as a response to this question.

The Commander smiled and pulled out a tablet. He turned the face of the tablet so Ren could see what the commander pulled up for him. There was a picture of two people, a man and a woman. Each in a seperate cell. Ren recognized them instantly. He looked at the Commander with a shocked expression.

"That's right Lennon, if you refuse to work with us, we'll kill your parents. Not a quick and simple death either. If you work with us, they live. If you cooperate in all of your training sessions, they will get meals. However, if you don't cooperate, we will stop feeding them. So what will it be Lennon?"

I obviously don't have a choice... thought Ren. Ren thought about his parents. All they did for him. I have no right to let them die... Damnit... I shouldn't even have to be making this decision!

"I... accept," Ren replied unwillingly. The Commander smiled deviously.

"Welcome aboard soldier! Now then, doctor please explain to the boy what we gave him, don't leave anything out."

Dr. Donovan stepped forward.

"As the Commander said, you have been implanted with something called a core. The compatibility varies from handicap to handicap. Your a special case even among handicaps as you are the only one so far with 100% compatibility. Before that, we have only seen around 76% compatibility as the highest. It is unable to be used on an ability user. The power from the core and the magical essence within an ability user's body clash. The Core greatly enhance's all physical and mental abilities. For example, your hearing, strength, and regenerative abilities. Your ability to learn also improves. However, the core only improves upon these things by utilizing them frequently. Think of it as exercising muscles. After doing so for a while, they grow bigger. For a more precise example, if we vaporize your arm, the core will allow your body to grow a new one, not only that but a stronger one. It will be more resistant to damage."

"Thank you Doctor," said the Commander. "Now soldier, in order to utilize the core we are going to have to put you through hell. I hope you're as excited as I am! Guards!"

In walked two men in uniform.

"Remove the straps and escort Soldier Lennon here to his holding cell."

The Guards acted dutifully and immediately unstrapped Ren and carried him out of the room.

"Sir, was it really ok to tell the boy that we are working with the military?" questioned Dr. Donovan.

"That's alright. As soon as the brainwashing drug is perfected, none of it will matter anyway. Which reminds me, Doctor, how much longer until that is complete?" asked the Commander.

"I would say it is 70% complete. I would estimate another 4 months until the formula is perfect."

"Good, keep me posted."