New Trainer

Sergeant Adams contacted the Commander using the phone available in the serveillance room.

"Sir, could you come down to the serveillance room? I have a quesiton concerning Mr. Lennon."

The Commander hung up the phone, responding immediately to the Sergeant's request and headed towards the serveillance room in the North Building.

"What is it, Adams," asked the Commander as he entered the serveillance room.

"Mr. Lennon seems to have found some new motivation. All of the sudden he is working harder than ever before."

The Commander watched the clip of Ren doing exercise in his room. "Interesting."

"He is growing at an alarming rate. Just earlier today, he completed the path that loops around the facility twice in just 4 and a half hours. He even managed to speed up the second time around," explained Adams.

"I think its time to call in our top trainer. We can't let his potential go to waste. If he feels this is too easy for him, we'll just up the ante. In addition, move him to a new room, grant him access to all the training rooms in the East building, and assign him a personal body guard. I want 24 hour serveillance on him. If he shows any sign of of betraying us, kill him immediately."

"But sir, what if we can't control him?"

"I'm willing to take that chance in order to make him our strongest and most loyal soldier."

"Hopefully, I'll have the brainwashing drug before too long so I can eliminate that risk," thought the Commander.

The next morning, Ren was awakened by Sergeant Adams earlier than usual. Groggy, Ren slowly got up, pulled on his training uniform, and followed Adams out into the hallway.

Ren knew something was off when they only went halfway down towards ground level in the elevator. They exited and took the connecting bridge towards the East building. When they reached the East Building they entered the elevator there and went down to the fifth floor, exited, and headed down a long narrow hallway and stopped at a set of double doors on the right.

The Sergaent took out his badge and slid it in the slot next to the door in order to unlock and enter the room. The room was a fairly large. Ren took notice of a thick wall that was a few feet from the left wall had various chucks missing from it.

Standing next to the wall were two people. A woman, who looked to be around 30 with long blond hair, scarlet eyes, and a gorgeous figure. Next to her was a man with an intimidating face, complete with a scar that ran from his left temple to his jaw. He had short brown hair, yellow eyes and looked to be in his mid-40s.

"Mr. Lennon, this here is Ms. Croft and Mr. Sandler. Mr. Sandler is the head trainer around here and our Rank 2. He usually trains those who are top teir in this facility, but in this special case, from now on he is your personal trainer. As for Ms. Laura Croft, she is our Rank 4 in this facililty, and one of our few ability users. She now is your personal body guard. She will be accompaning you wherever you go."

"This boy... is different. He's also cute," thought Ms. Croft. "Too bad he's so young compared to me."

Ren shook both of their hands. When he shook Mr. Sandler's hand, Mr. Sandler scowled at him and Ren felt as if his hand was going to be crushed.

"I'll take my leave now," said Adams as he turned and walked out of the room.

"Tch, good riddance," thought Ren.

"What are you smiling for Soldier," snapped Mr. Sandler. Ren quickly made his face go blank. "Word is that your fast. Well, I'm here to disprove that very fact, but also make it reality. Let me show you what you are going to be doing today."

Mr. Sandler pulled out a pistol, handed it to Ms. Croft, and headed towards the wall Ren noticed earlier. Ms. Croft stood about 20 feet back from the wall and took aim at Mr. Sandler.


Mr. Sandler dodged each bullet in the blink of an eye.


The last bullet Mr. Sandler caught between his thumb and index finger, and then crushed it.

"Fail to dodge the bullets, and you will be shot. I will be shooting two hundred rounds. We will be doing this twice every day until you dodge all two hundred," asserted Mr. Sandler. "Good luck."

Ren was in awe at first, but then realized how much this was going to hurt. "How am I supposed to dodge something that I can't even see," questioned Ren.

Ren switched places with Mr. Sandler and Mr. Sandler retrieved the pistol from Ms. Croft, who stood off to the side. Mr. Sandler aimed the gun at Ren and then pulled the trigger.


Ren felt a searing pain in his left shoulder as the bullet punctured into his body. He gritted his teeth together in pain. He refused scream. He didn't want to give anyone in this building the satisfaction of making him scream.


Another punctured into his right thigh. Ren knelt down, but he pushed through the pain to stand back up.


A bullet soared into his right bicep.


Three flew into his stomach.


"Come on, focus, watch the bullet... but that's not possible.... Ugh!" thought Ren.

Bullet after bullet blasted into his body. He only got a brief break when Mr. Sandler changed magizines. Ren tried as hard as he could to try and see the bullet as it left the chamber, but couldn't seem to do it.

"Wait, I can't see it, but with the core I could!" Ren focused all he could on trying to draw out the power of the core. "If I can use the core, my eyes can adapt and get faster and faster, because that is how the core works!"

With every bullet that was shot, Ren caught more and more of a glimpse of the bullet just before it would slam into his body. "That's it!"


Ren actually saw one clearly before it entered his body. "COME ON!" Ren focused as hard as he could on the barrel of the gun, waiting for the next bullet.


Mr. Sandler saw Ren's eyes flash like two green lights with the most determined look that he ever witnessed on a person's face as Ren moved to the left. The bullet grazed Ren's uniform and then hit the wall behind Ren.

For a breif moment, Mr. Sandler paused. "Holy shit! The kid manged to dodge the bullet, and it was only the 36th round I've shot!"

Even Ms. Croft who was only half paying attention, gasped in surprise.

Ren looked up at Mr. Sandler and smiled.

"This brat!" thought Mr. Sandler as he gritted his teeth together in a frown then began to release an onslaught of bullets towards Ren.