Greatest Ally or Worst Enemy?


"Your done for this morning, soldier. Return here by 3 p.m.," Mr. Sandler informed Ren.

Ren collapsed to his knees and let his head hang limp. He was completely covered in holes, blood, sweat, and his consciousness was fading in and out due to the loss of blood. Ms. Croft strolled over to Ren and began to cover his bullet wounds with bandages. To her surprise, the bleeding had already stopped, so she just began to try and wipe off as much blood as possible, which proved to be very difficult due to the amount of blood that seeped out.

"Stand up, we need to get you into a shower," muttered Ms. Croft to Ren.

With the help of Ms. Croft, Ren stood up and Ms. Croft assisted him out of the room and into the elevator.

"That kid has frightening potential", thought Mr. Sandler. "Even the most talented and compatible only managed to dodge about 12 bullets out of the 200 their first time, and most of those are just dumb luck! Yet he managed to dodge around 68 of them! That soldier could very well be are greatest ally, or our worst enemy."

Ren was disoriented, but he knew that the way they were headed wasn't towards his room. Ms. Croft lead him though the passage that was on the ground connecting the buildings together and into the North building. When they got into the elevator, Ms. Croft pressed the button coresponding to floor 7.

The doors opened to a nice wide hallway with carpeted floor. "Since we are on the lower floors, these must be the nicer rooms," thought Ren.

Ms. Croft helped him to one of the doors and then leaned him on the wall while she slid her badge into the slot to unlock the door.

The door opened to a carpet floor and a couch on either side of the room. In the back was a kitchen and a counter that divided the kitchen and the living room. The kitchen had a fridge and sink as well. To the right, there was a little hallway that lead to the bathroom with a shower and the bedroom.

"You're lucky that I am friends with the Commander, otherwise I wouldn't be doing this," advised Ms. Croft. "Being cute also helps." Ms. Croft helped him into the bathroom. "There, get yourself cleaned up and then I'll explain some things when you get back out."

The shower made his wounds sting, but the water successfully pushed the blood off his skin. When he finished, he got dressed in a new set of clothes that Ms. Croft provided for him and then stepped back out into the living room.

"On the counter I left your new badge. You now have access to all the training rooms and are basically allowed to go anywhere that you have access. I will only be accompanying you when you step out of this room. If you need anything, use this phone to contact me." She handed him the a phone. "I'll be staying in the room next door. Understand?"

Ren nodded.

"Well then, I'll be next door. Be ready to leave by 2:30." Ms. Croft turned and left the room and closed the door.

Ren first investigated the fridge which contained premade sandwiches, milk, and other things that looked very appetizing to him. He grabbed a sandwich and began to chomp away immediately.

After Ren ate and was satisfied, he sat down on one of the couches to relax. He noticed while sitting, that his room had a camera in each corner. "Do I get any privacy at all?" He looked at the clock and realized that he had 5 hours until he had to show up for his second shooting fest. He decided to take a hour nap before deciding to do anything else.

After his nap, he noticed that his bullet wounds had already scabbed over. He decided not to waste anymore time and called Ms. Croft.

"I'm going outside to the path," stated Ren.

"Are you serious! Nevermind, I'll be out."

Ren ran the entire loop again and completed it in only 2 hours, leaving him 2 hours before he had to meet back up with Mr. Sandler. He decided to go into the East building and grab some food from the food court and then explore the different training rooms he now had access to.

One room had a complex layout of bars and poles that you could practice manuevering through or simply use them for different bodyweight workouts. Another room was full of just punching bags and a ring in order to practice your fighting techniques, while in another were a bunch of weights, bars, and benches. There were so many that Ren didn't have time to explore all of them. Before he knew it, 2:45 had rolled around and he was off with Ms. Croft to meet back up with Mr. Sandler.

They entered back into the room which Ren decided to call the "Shooting Range".

"Ok, soldier. Round two. Go stand over by the wall," directed Mr. Sandler.

To Ren's surprise, Mr. Sandler pulled out a semi automatic assualt rifle. "Crap, the bullets can travel faster now, not to mention that Mr. Sandler can now be as trigger happy as he wants!"


Ren was thrown off guard, but still manged to dodge seven out of the ten shots taken. The three bullets that didn't dodge ended up in his chest. He coughed up blood as it began to fill his lungs. He still managed to stay standing and focused as much as he could onto the barrel of the assualt rifle.

"Come on, its just as before, just a little faster," Ren clentched his fists and gritted his teeth as he readied himself for the next barrage of bullets.

"That's a damn scary face he makes," thought Mr. Sandler.

With each passing bullet, Ren could feel his senses sharpening. His sight could slow the bullet down, his ears would pick up the sound as they zipped by when Ren would dodge, and his nose could smell the gunpower laced on each bullet.

Ren was dodging most of the bullets, only getting slamed by one every now and then.

Mr. Sandler watched in amazement as chunks flew off the wall, dust flew up, and two flashing green lights weaved side to side, up, and down.

Mr. Sandler shot the last round and Ren just stood still as the bullet flew by. Ren was breathing hard and his sight was a bit blurry because of how hard and how long he had to concentrate.

"My God, he dodged all of them except for around twenty of them! Good thing I thought of something else," thought Mr. Sandler.

"Here," Mr. Sandler threw Ren a white mask that had no eye holes. "Put that on. Get ready for round two."