
"I... don't understand," spluttered Ren.

"We know that you were the one that messed with the drug." explained the Commander. "In addition, you looked through the Doctor's files in his office, while they were dealing with your little mess."

"Damn. Well, I made it this far without getting caught, which is longer than I thought." admitted Ren silently.

"I didn't see anything, really, just my file!" yelled Ren.

"You're not fooling me!" roared the Commander. "What did you see and who did you tell?!"


"I knew it would come to this," sneered the Commander. The Commander pressed a button, initiating a barrel of some kind to move closer to Ren form either end.


A flurry of fire was thrown out of the ends of the two nozzels attached to the barrels absolutely covering Ren in hot flames.


Ren tried to contain it, but it was just to painful. He wailed in pain as the flames consumed his clothes and then started melting his skin away.

"REN!" Marissa screamed in horror as she watched Ren get burned to a crisp.

The pain was unbearable. The Commander grinned as he watched with the utmost amusement, then pressed another button. The flames stopped pouring out of the ends of the nozzels. Ren was out of breath from screaming in pain.

Marrisa stood there with tears in her eyes, as she stared at what was left of Ren. All of his hair on his body and his skin was burned off. He hung there loosely, motionless.

"You see, if you refuse to give me the information I want, I'll torture you until your barely alive. Then the core will heal you, and I'll do it again," smirked the Commander. "So I'll ask you again. What do you know?"

"It's... like... I said. I... only saw... my file." breathed Ren, still trying to gather air back into his lungs.

"Ok, I'll be back when you're healed, then I'll ask again. I better get an answer." The Commander turned to leave the room, then stopped and looked at Dr. Donavin and Mr. Sandler. "Make sure he doesn't sleep or try anything funny. Also, keep an eye on this girl. Put some ability sealing cuffs on her."

The skin on Ren's body slowly regenerated. Ren estimated it would take about three hours for his skin to completely regenerate. His whole body stung. He felt his eye's getting heavy and slowly began to fall asleep when he felt something extremely hot spill onto his body.


A very large amount of hot water was poured over him, making his burns scream with irritation. Ren let out a shriek of pain.

"Commander's orders, no sleeping," announced Mr. Sandler through the intercom.

Marissa started crying, unable to do anything for Ren, but watch as he suffered.

Three hours later, Ren's skin was completely regenerated. He now hung there, completely naked. Ren would've been embarrased if the situation wasn't so dire. The Commander checked in about every hour to see if Ren had regenerated and this time noticed that he had.

"I'll ask again Lennon. What do you know?"

"Nothing." Ren didn't know what else to say. He guessed he could explain exactly what he saw, but before he had the chance to do so, something else was dumped on him.

"NO!! STOP!!" begged Marissa, but the Commander ignored her.

His whole body burned once again, but it was different from being burned by flame. Ren scanned his body to reveal that acid was eating away at his entire body. This time it wasn't just his skin that began to disappear, his flesh was being consumed as well. Ren let out another wail of pain as the acid ate away at his body.

"What did you see?!" roared the Commander.

Ren took a deep breath in order to try and get out everything he wanted to say at once. "Look, all I saw was that you killed my parents, that's all I went looking for!"

"I'm not buying it." The Commander turned to leave. "Dump another bucket on him, I'll be back."

"NO!!" screamed Marissa as she clung to the Commander's arm. The Commander simply threw her off of him, then kicked her while she was on the ground. "If you're going to stay and watch, learn to be quiet and stay out of my way!" warned the Commander.

Mr. Sandler pushed another button dumping more acid on Ren.

All of his skin and a considerable amount of flesh was eaten away, Ren screaming in agony. Marissa wimpered silently in the corner of the room.

"Fuck, we were too late," muttered Ren. Ren was in complete dispair. He had absolutely no idea what to do. He hung there helplessly as the core slowly healed his body, awaiting his next blast of fire or wave of acid.

Mr. Sandler and Dr. Donavin made sure that whenever Ren looked to be falling asleep, they would prevent it. Ren was completely exhausted. Healing took an enormous amount of energy for the core to to be able to do so.

It took a lot longer for the core to regenerate his body from the acid. However, the Commander was there when he did recover.

"Shit, here we go again," groaned Ren as he readied himself for whatever else they might throw at him.

The commander repeated the question, but Ren only had the one answer to give.

"Sir, maybe he actually doesn't know. He would have spilled whatever he had known by now. If he hasn't said anything else yet, there's practically nothing for us to do to force it out of him," pointed out Dr. Donavin.

"You have a point Doctor," admitted the Commander. "I have another question for you Lennon. If you knew your parents were dead, what kept you from disobeying orders or trying to escape?"

Ren's eyes glowed green as Ren recalled the vow he had made after finding out what they did to his parents. Ren smiled at the Commander and answered, "I attending every training session, endured every punishment, and worked myself to near death, so that I could put you in the ground!"

"Did this prick just smile at me?!" the Commander wondered as he slowly became more furious.

"I'm going to throw everything I have at you, and once I run out, I'M GOING TO RIP THAT CORE OUT OF YOUR BODY AND THEN TEAR YOU APART!" roared the Commander.