
The Commander changed things up now. He pressed a different button, which opened one of the doors to the front left and front right of Ren. Out of them emerged two miniguns. Past memories filled Ren's head of his first couple of days with Mr. Sandler.

The two miniguns unleashed a storm of bullets at Ren, tearing Ren apart. Ren could tell the core was really struggling to keep him alive, he could feel it start to vibrate in his side. The Commander stayed by his word though, and stopped in time so Ren would live.

Covered in holes, Ren hung there, a bloody mess. He continued to heal, but very slowly. Ren hoped that his emergeny mode would activate, but since the Commander always stopped just short of killing him, this never happened.

Marissa stood there silently and watched. She stopped crying as if she ran out of tears and just looked absolutely depressed, wishing she could do something to help, but the ability sealing cuffs prevent her from trying anything.

When Ren finally did heal, the Commander unleashed more bullets at Ren. Ren's eyes grew wide and his mouth gaped open in pain, then he clenched his teeth and closed his eyes as the bullets kept coming.

The commander finally stopped the guns and let Ren begin to heal, while he stepped out with the Dr. Donavin. When the Commander came back, strangely he was without the doctor. Ren wondered what the Commander and the doctor were up to, but at the same time he didn't really care. All he wanted was the pain to stop.

They fed and gave Ren water only when he was healing, and not much either. Ren took what he could get, though.

When Ren healed a while later, the Commander opened another door, this time it was behind Ren.


A very long needle as thick as a spear impaled itself into Ren from behind, now sticking out of his stomach. Ren coughed up some blood as a response.


Three more needles stuck themselves into Ren, causing him to lose more blood. They then slowly retracted as five more launched from behind him, sinking themselves through Ren. They also retracted as the Commander allowed Ren to heal.

The Commander stepped out again leaving just Marissa and Mr. Sandler there to watch him.

"It... has... been awhile... since I've.... been locked up," heaved Ren in between breaths. "How long... exactly?"

Marissa perked up and answered Ren through the intercom. "It's been approximately two days."

"As I... thought... You... should.... get some... sleep... or at least... eat.... something."

Tears began to form again in Marissa's eyes. "How can I do that when your in so much pain and can't sleep yourself!?" she cried. She broke down in tears.

"You... stubburn girl..." Ren looked up and smiled. "You're.... a great... friend." Ren's eyes began to slowly close.


Ren was shocked with tasers that emerged from another door opened by Mr. Sandler, waking him up immediately.

The Commander returned and waited impatiently for Ren to heal. When he did, the Commander began to shock Ren. Ren screamed and screamed until he didn't even have the energy to scream anymore. The Commander shocked and shocked him. Slowly Ren went numb to the pain. The Commander stopped when Ren's entire body was covered in electrical burns.

"When he recovers, use the rest of the acid that we have. When he's recovered from that, burn him until you run out of gas. After that, feel free to waste bullets or just stab him until I return. I'm going to be gone for a little while," the Commander ordered Mr. Sandler.

The Commander was gone for a total of three days. The entire time Ren was either eaten away with acid, burned away with fire, shocked, fired at with bullets, or stabbed with needles. Ren was so tired he was nodding off to sleep constantly, which would earn him a good jolt of electricity.

When the Commander finally returned, he stopped everything and stood there staring at Ren. Ren just hung there limp and motionless and nodded off to sleep.

He woke up in another room, suspended by chains, but his feet were clamped down to the floor.

"Commander, he's awake."

Ren heard Alex's voice and looked up to see Alex. Marissa was on the floor sleeping. Ren noticed she didn't have the cuffs on her anymore either. He was somewhat relieved.

Marissa sturred and slowly got up and looked around. She saw that Ren was awake and immediatly got up and hugged him.

"Are you alright," she asked.

Ren looked at what he could see of his body and he was completely healed. He was also wearing clothes again.

"I feel great now that I'm not naked," joked Ren. Marissa smiled and laughed a little. "Hey, did you figure out why Alex betrayed us?"

"Yeah, unfortunantly they've been brainwashing every last person they don't have complete trust in. That's why the Commander and the Doctor have been in and out."

The Commander entered and Marissa's and Ren's moods completely shifted.

"Good your awake. You kept me waiting. We couldn't waken you no matter what we did to you! You've been asleep for four days straight, but now I can't let my anger out on you personally!" yelled the Commander. "Gett out of the way girl."

Marissa stepped away.


The Commander punched Ren so hard his skull cracked and sent a shockwave throughout the room.


The commander threw three more, all hitting his face. Ren felt a shockwave go threw his body with each and every hit. Blood now spilling from his nose and mouth.

"I'M GOING TO BREAK EVERY BONE IN YOUR BODY!" shouted the Commander as he kept slaming his fists into Ren.


Ren's entire body throbbed as his bones broke one by one. First was his skull, then his jaw, and then his ribs. Ren shook violently with every hit and the chains rattled. The Commander then switched to kicks towards his ribs and legs, breaking the legs and femur bones.

Ren couldn't stand anymore, but the chains held him up as the Commander continued to unleash his fury on Ren.

The Commander stopped, breathing heavily. "OH, THAT FELT SO DAMN GOOD!" he exclaimed. "Heal up Lennon. I'll be back for more later." The Commander turned and left. Alex followed.

The door closed, locking Marissa and Ren in the room. Ren was a bloody mess and covered in bruises. Everything hurt as most of everything was broken. Blood continued to flow out of his mouth and nose and places where the skin broke open.

With tears in her eyes, Marissa walked over. "Is there anything that I can do for you?"

Ren spit out some of the blood so he could talk clearly. "Not unless... you have a healing ability."

Marissa shook her head as her expression saddened. "Sorry, but I don't."

"I know, but... in that case... can I have another hug?"

Marissa went over and hugged him.

"Not too tightly though!" yelped Ren as his broken bones screamed in pain at the pressure. When she loosened her grip, the warmth of her body seemed to ease the pain.

Marissa then moved hear head towards Ren's and kissed Ren's lips. Ren's eyes widen at first with surprise, but then took it in.

Ren healed pretty quickly since he had slept and had actually fully recovered. The Commander came back and beat Ren senseless again and again. Every time the Commander left, Marrisa stayed behind and kept Ren company.

Eventually, however, the Commander grew bored. He came back with the doctor, "Ok, I've had my fun. Brainwash him doctor."

That's all you've got!" provoked Ren. "I didn't feel a thing, you thick bastard! You should try again!"

The Commander halted as he heard these words.

"Ren, what are you doing!" yelled Marissa.

Ren wasn't about to be a mindless soldier. He would rather be killed. "COME ON! REALLY, YOU'VE COME SO FAR! YOU'RE JUST GOING TO GIVE UP? I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO RIP ME APART!"

The Commander slowly turned, his eye's flashing red, and the veins throbbing in his forehead.

"REN, NO!" screamed Marissa.

The Commander shot towards Ren, his arm extended as he aimed to rip the core out of Ren's body.

"Looks like this is the end for me," thought Ren. "I'm sorry, Marissa, but I'm not going to do anymore for these fuckers." Ren readied himself for death.

It never came though. His body instead felt light for a second, then relized he wasn't in chains anymore. He looked around in disbelief. Ren froze at the horror he witnessed. Marissa was in the chains, were Ren had just been. There was a gaping hole in her side, blood splashed on the ground.

Marissa raised her head slowly and breathed, "I love you... Ren." The last of her energy left her body with these last words and then her entire body hung limp.