

Ren rushed over to her, the Commander and Doctor still trying to figure out what just happened. The Commander was looking at his hand, which to his surprise was only dripping blood, no core.

"Marissa..." blubbered Ren, now only a few feet away from her. Ren grabbed the chains connected to her arms and broke them, and catched her body. He then broke away the cuffs.

"Marissa...?" Ren slowly lowered her body as he got on his knees holding her tight. He put his ear to her chest and listened for a heartbeat, but couldn't hear anything. Tears began to well up in his eyes.

"No... Marissa... Wake up... Marissa." His tears began to gush out as he gripped her even more tightly.

"No... you can't be gone. You have to wake up! You and I are going to escape, remember.."

The commander began to walk back towards Ren, now that he realized what happened.

"I didn't even get to say I love you too." Ren was completetly torn.

"She's gone, she's really gone." Ren voiced in his thoughts. "FUCK!"

Ren slowly lowered her body to the floor and then stood again. He turned to face the Commander and clentched his fists and gritted his teeth together.

"Hold on a second, Marissa. I have some business to take care of real quick. Then you can rest properly," Ren declared as he slowly approached the Commander. Ren stopped a couple feet away from him.

"Warning! Host has an extreme level bloodlust, Rage mode will be activated," sounded off a voice in Ren's head.

Ren's body began to fill with immense energy, and his wounds all healed instantly. Soon he was overflowing with it.

The Commander stood there horrified. "I've never sensed such power from a core user before!"

Ren began to release some of pressure building inside of him, cracking the floor and pushing some of the people in the room with him back. His green eyes lit up and seemed to burn themselves into the Commander's eyes. Then it all stopped.


Ren shot forward, grabbed the Commander's face, and slammed the back of his head into the floor, creating a crater. The Commander was motionless, blood from his head filling the crater.

Ren let go of the commander's face and whispered, "Told you I'd put you in the ground." Ren then plunged his hand into the Commander's side and pulled out the core. This was the first time Ren saw what the core actually looked like. It was a little larger than a golf ball with intricate lines all over it.

Ren squeezed his fingers together and crushed the core to dust. Then stood back up.

"Doctor get out of here and sound the alarm, we need all the people we can get!" ordered Mr. Sandler. The Doctor didn't hesitate and ran off.

Ren dissappeared from everyone's sight then...


Ren went around ripping out the cores of everyone in the room and crushing them.

"He's so fast, I can barely see him!" paniked Mr. Sandler. Before he knew it, Ren was in front of him. Mr. Sandler instictively gaurded the spot were his core was, but Ren wasn't aiming for his core.


Ren's fist rocketed into Mr. Sandler's face, breaking his nose, splitting his skull open, and thrusting him into the far wall.

When Mr. Sandler slammed into the wall, he cough up blood violently.

"You didn't think I would let you off that easily, did you?" Ren glared at Mr. Sandler as he slowly walked towards Mr. Sandler.

Mr Sandler was terrified. In a frenzy, Mr. Sandler began to wildly attack Ren, however, none of his attacks managed to land. Ren dodged each and every one of his attacks as if he could predict all of Mr. Sandler's moves.


Ren ducked, dodging one of Mr. Sandler's punches and counterattacked by slamming his fist below Mr. Sandler's jaw, sending Mr. Sandler flying into the air, and then came crashing down.

Mr. Sandler couldn't move, he felt paralyzed. "Is my spine messed up? Damnit at this rate..." He felt something plunge into his side.


He coughed up blood as Ren's hand pulled out his core, then crushed it to pieces.

"I should thank you, Sir. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been able to dodge all your attacks just now." Ren then stabbed his hand into Mr. Sandler's heart, ending his life. Ren stood back up and glared at Alex, the only one left in the room.

The alarm sounded and Dr. Donavin's voice came over the speakers and began to announce to the whole facility," WE HAVE A ROGUE SOLDIER. HE WAS LAST SEEN IN THE EAST BUILDING, 27TH FLOOR."

The doctor said more, but the Ren wasn't listening. "Alex... no. You're not Alex anymore." Ren shot past Alex before Alex had a chance to react. Alex glanced down at his stomach to see a huge hole in his side.


Alex, heard his core get crushed by Ren as he collapsed to the floor and his life slipped away.

Ren walked back over to Marissa's body and picked her up. He then walked over to what he guessed was the east wall.


Ren kicked a massive hole in the wall, then jumped down from building. He landed as soft as he could and slowly layed Marissa's body to the ground. It was a clear moonlit night.

"Just hold on a little longer, I'll bring this place crumbling to the ground for you." Ren turned and walked back towards the East building, his tears glistening as they fell from his face.


Ren jumped as high as he could to the roof of East building. "I'm going to work my way down this building, floor by floor, slaughtering everyone that comes across my path. Then, when I'm done here, I'll make my way through the other two buildings. No one is going to leave here alive!"