Stop Ren - Part 2

Ren stared at the officers before him with rage through his mask.

Some officers franticly tried to contact the AAA. However, Ren decided approached one of the officer's police cars, knelt down and lifted, throwing it towards the other officers.

The car flew into the air and came crashing down onto the other cars, starting a small fire.

The officers continued to unload bullets at Ren, but Ren just kept walking towards then.

Whoosh! CRA-A-A-A-A-ACK!

Ren kicked with all his strength, sending out a shockwave that smacked into the remaining officers, throwing them into the air.

"If a car isn't going to work, I'll run there!"

Ren dug his feet into the ground, and then began to sprint, flying down the road at an incredible speed. The helicopter only barely managed to not lose him, but eventually caught up.

Ren ran back onto the highway, heading north.

As he was running, Ren noticed a helicopter coming at him from the north. On this helicopter, a machine gun was mounted, as well as rockets.

As the helicopter neared Ren, it turned itself around so that it was headed in the same direction, just behind him.

"Permission to fire at the target?" The pilot asked through his transmitter within his helmet.

"Permission granted, fire at will." A voice sounded.

The one piloting the helicopter then began to fire the machine guns at Ren.

Ren managed to dodge most of them as he began to zigzag but then a rocket was fired.


The rocket exploded only a couple of feet to the left of Ren, blowing him off course to the right.

He slid to a stop, but immediately stood back up and started running again.

Another rocket was fired which exploded just behind Ren, but it wasn't close enough to faze him.

Firing again, a rocket propelled towards Ren. To the pilot's belief, the rocket was going to hit, but Ren managed to guide to missile with his hands and threw it back at the helicopter.

"OH SHI –"


The rocket blew the helicopter apart.

"The man in now fleeing on foot. He must be an ability user as he is moving faster then a car at the moment," the reporter continued. "We have been informed that the AAA has been notified of the situation, and agents have been sent to try and stop this man. Oh my! The helicopter that began shooting at him has just exploded. The only thing that is in pursuit of him now is the chopper broadcasting the live feed!"

"We need to catch up to him and try to stop him!" Lorraine exclaimed.

"What do you think we're doing!" Ms. Croft retorted. "If I go any faster, the cops will start chasing us!"

"At this point does that even matter!"

Ms. Croft paused as she thought about Lorraine's comment.

Finally, she gave her response, "You make a great point."

Ms. Croft slammed on the gas and sped up, weaving in between traffic.

Ren continued to run all out.

"I need to get rid of that helicopter as well."

As he ran, he, hopped up and turned his body 18o degrees so that he was facing the chopper, then launched himself into the air.

He grabbed onto one of the legs of the chopper and pulled himself up.

Once onboard the chopper, his destroyed the camera, then thrust his hand into the stomach of the cameraman.

When he removed his hand from the cameraman's stomach, he fell forwards, out of the chopper.

The pilot began to scream into his headset, "He's onboard! He just killed the cameraman!"

Ren then moved up to the cockpit and ripped the seat out that the pilot was sitting on and threw it out the chopper along with the pilot screaming, then jumped down.

Without a pilot, the chopper fell out of the sky and crashed into the ground in the middle of the freeway, exploding on impact.

Ren continued on his journey, running as fast as he could down the highway.

"The broadcast is gone. They lost sight of him!" Lorraine informed the rest.

"That doesn't matter though right," Ms. Carter pointed out. "We just need to head to the next facility."

"That's right," Ms. Croft agreed. "Nothing's changed."

Everyone was worried, but Lorraine seemed to be particularly concerned.

… In the AAA branch located in Nebraska near the border by Kansas…

"Sir, it seems we are in charge of trying to stop this runner," reported an agent. "We don't know anything about his identity. Whenever anyone is sent to stop him, he kills them with extreme ease."

"Very well. We will have to first locate his position. Where is he?" the chairman of the branch.

"He was last seen headed north on route 81, south of the border."

"We'll assume that he's going to continue to head north. Set up a spy jet to keep tabs on him. If he's on foot, he'll have to stop at some point. After all he's only human. In the meantime, I want our strongest agents to gather and ready themselves to move out at any time."

"Understood sir." The agent left to carry out his orders.

"I don't know who you are, but I will stop you." The chairman grinned. "This way, maybe I'll have a shot at being picked for the head of the AAA when Mr. King retires."

Ren crossed the border into Nebraska, sprinting on the grass medium between the roads so he didn't have to deal with the traffic.

The dominate thought in his head that repeated over and over was to kill. To kill anyone with a core and anyone who got in his way of doing so.

"Wait, why am I so obsessed?"

Ren slowed down for a moment, but as soon as he did, he heard a voice within his head.

"Because, they took everything from you. They hurt you. They need punishment."

"That's right," Ren agreed. "They took everything from me. I will destroy them all!"