Stop Ren - Part 4

Smoke, dust, and debris was thrown into the air as a result of the numerous attacks.

"I need a visual, give me a visual!" the chairman ordered. "Is he dead or not?"

One of the senior agents on the field spoke into his transmitter, "Sir I think we got him. He wasn't able to resist while being held in that chain, but we have to wait for the atmosphere to clear before we can confirm anything."

"I have a bad feeling about this," the chairman mumbled under his breath. "I'm headed down there. Oversee operations here for me Mr. Jenkins."

"Yes sir," answered the agent that reports directly to the chairman.

Another agent began to shout orders, "Stay alert! Do not release the chain yet agent!"

The agent holding Ren in the air tightened the chain. He still felt through the chains that he was still holding onto the runner.

"It appears that the runner has been dealt with according to plan, but the agents are taking precaution until the air clears," the female reporter announced.

Lorraine's, Ms. Carter's, and Eric's eyes were all glued to Lorraine's phone while MS. Croft focused on the road.

They all began to assume to worst, however, the reporter suddenly gasped, "Wait! I think something is happening. The agents seem to be concerned with something…"

The agent with the chain felt his chain snap and then he was dragged into the smoke,


The agents in the field began to back away when they heard the ghastly sounds of the human body being torn apart while the sounds of the agent screaming were heard.

The air finally cleared and revealed Ren standing on top of the agents remains. His clothes were ripped off so that he wore only pants that were torn into shorts.

The white formation that formed on his side now covered his entire right side. Single strips spread out from there to his hands and feet so that they were entirely wrapped inn white as if he was wearing white gloves and shoes.

"What the fuck?" one of the agents gasped, "What is up with this guy?"

Ren lifted his hands so that he could look at them. He clasped them into fists and then relaxed them.

"This power I feel is amazing!"

Ren then lowered his hands and gazed at the agents that surrounded him.

The senior agent that was leading the team of agents spoke into his transmitter, "I don't think we can stop him! We need backup as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry," Mr. Jenkins responded. "The chairman in on his way."

"No, you don't understand. The ominous energy this guy is giving off is insane!"

"SIR!" an agent shouted. "He's gone!"


Ren reappeared and sunk his fist into the stomach of an agent, blowing a hole into his stomach and blowing apart any agent standing behind him.

"Don't just stand—" the agent stopped as he fell over due to missing his right leg.

Ren stood behind him and let the leg drop from his hand.

The agents stood frozen in fear as Ren shifted his gaze at the remaining agents.

"Are you hearing this sir?" asked an agent that was driving the chairman to where Ren was.

"I'm watching it on the news," the chairman sighed.

'Damnit. It looks like I'm going to have to call for help on this one.'

The chairman closed the news app on his phone and scrolled through his contacts. After tapping on the person's name that he wanted to call, he waited for him to pick up.


"Yes, Mr. King? If you're not already aware, I have a bit of a situation."

"Ah, Chairman Lyles. I am aware of the situation. I headed there myself, but I also sent in one of the Ten Eagles who happened to be in the area."

"One of the Ten Eagles?" Chairman Lyles gasped. "Do you think the situation calls for one of them to step in? I'm headed there myself."

"Chairman, this runner has shown to mercy so far to anyone that has stood in his way. This includes the innocent bystanders. This man needs to be stopped at all costs. If you can't stop him, the eagle will stop him. If he can defeat the eagle, then I will hopefully be there in time to step in."

"Understood sir."

"Give me a crack at him! The best agent in the South Dakota Branch!" yelled a cocky agent.

The agent stepped forward and his skin became as hard as rock and then shot forward at Ren as Ren just finished blowing apart another agent.


The agent landed a solid blow with his fist into Ren's stomach, but Ren stop there as if nothing happened.

Ren then clasped his hand over the arm of the agent and squeezed.

Crackle, pop!

'He's breaking my arm while my skin is hardened. That shouldn't even be possible!'


Ren broke his arm and the agent screamed in pain.


Ren rocketed his own fist into the agent's face, sending him flying through the air 50 meters away.

"Sir!" yelled an agent in the transmitter. "We are losing men rapidly!"

"Calm down agent. The chairman is headed there as we speak. You just need to buy time until he gets there. Don't let him get away!" ordered Mr. Jenkins.

The agent took a deep breath and then answered, "Understood sir."

The agent then looked at the remaining agents and shouted at them as they watched their fellow agents being torn up.


The agents all looked at the senior agent and then back at Ren.

The same thought ran through all their heads: 'How are we supposed to stop that!'