Flattery Always Works

"Ok, it's time to start the plan, we will first take the place of those two dead goblins" he said pointing at one of the goblins on the ground

"We will use their clothes and then splash the blood of one of the dead drakes to justify our smell, then we will get out and call a supervisor to inform that a drake attacked us but we managed to kill it before one of us could die, for that we will bring the two unconscious goblins with us after getting rid of the bodies of the 2 we will be disguising as. Do you understand?" Theo said while looking as his companion

"Un" She responded while nodding, making Theo quite unsure if she did actually understand the plan.

"Ok I will take the one on the right and you take the one on the left"

After changing our forms to look the same as the goblins we cut the chest of one of the dragon corpses and smeared the blood onto our clothes, and making sure there would be no trace left we used a corrosive breath to clear the two goblins we stole the clothes from.

By now our next step would have to be use the two goblins as a reason to go down the spire for medical treatment and from then take the identity of someone capable of leaving the mountain, even after leaving the mountain we have to be sure to not get followed since even if we fly they should have plenty of dragons faster than the two of us, after that we need to leave either for Dalaran, Vermilion Redoubt in the north or even go south to either seek refuge in the Outlands or the Great Tree in Duskwood.

Since we had to find ways to heal our amalgamation of a body and soul we needed help, only those who lived very long and had a compassionate nature would willingly help us after learning of our condition, I just arrived in this world, and know only theories about magic, not the details and since our time is short we have no option but look for either one of the dragonflights or someone capable of mending spirits such as shamans, druids or priests.

"I am always getting ahead of myself huh? Let's first leave this place, are you ready... what's your name again?" I asked to my companion whom I knew nothing about.

"Un, Selia, is only name I remember." she said with a pained look with a bit of confusion, making me feel a bit guilty for trying to make her try to search her most likely jumbled and confused memories.

"Ok Selia, leave the talking to me, none knows to fool people like me, I was able to fool my teachers for a whole year to not present my final papers" I said with a bit of a shameless pride and embarrassment in the same measure, but of course I only got a confused look from Selia.

Following the way the goblins came by dragging the two hostages with us we came upon a vast amount of corridors and rooms where I was sure many were being tormented just like we were, but I held no idea about doing something about it at this moment, following the path where we the goblins came from by following their smell, we came upon a dragonkin who inquired us about the two unconscious goblins on our back.

"You two, what is the meaning of this? how were they injured?!" He said with a overbearing tone, ready to kill us in case of any slight against him.

"Lord dragon, we were attacked by one of the failed experiments in the feeding chamber, we barely made it out alive, but those two were hit by a nightmare from the dragon and were knocked out! We planned to take them to the lower level to receive treament if your grace allows it." Theo said while sweating internally.

"Hmmmm, very well green rat, go and find Krilx to get his permission to go to the spire, tell him to make sure all failed experiments are to be dead before being disposed of, there will be no second time or you will all suffer." He said while being amused at the little rat, who was more shameless in flattery than most of them.

"Yes, your grace!" I said while bowing and turning around to find Krilx, which I had no clue what so ever where to find, but we'll nothing that my silver tongue can't solve! Even women who are the most complex creatures have a weakness for flattery, much less prideful creatures.

Following along a corridor until we arrived at a intersection where there were many smells belonging to goblins we followed the direction which they all seemed to go in search of that Krilx fella, until finnaly we could see a vast room that was connected to the garrison and seemed to have stairs downward in the direction we needed most desperately to go.

"Hey there, Griz, how you doin? Been losing your money as usual? You should know to never bet against people smarter then you... which includes almost everyone, HahaHaha" said a goblin as soon as we entered the room while pointing and laughing at our expense, others soon joined the humiliation, but that made think of a very fun and useful idea...

"Oi, you think your a smartass eh? how bout we make a bet? who wins will serve the dimwits bellow for a week and gets the money the other would receive for their job how about it?" I said while mentally patting myself on the back.