Channel your Inner Goblin!

Hearing Griz words, the goblin had greedy eyes, making easy money is something that goblins would never refuse no matter what... Griz getting cocky and wanting to bet so much was really a jackpot for him.

"Sure, then let's bet on a heartstone match, the winner takes the money, the loser takes the shame, don't you turn back on your words now..." while talking it was clear to Theo that indeed he was a genius, nothing convinces a goblin more than a chance to be greedy, the only thing that goes higher than greed to those green fellows is their own cowardice and self-preserving spirit, every goblin invention will have a escape pod, they will skim on every safety device they can except for the escape pods...

"Good, let's do it now then, these two fools can wait to get their treatment for some minutes" I said while finding a table to sit and call my companion over to sit along side me.

This place looked like a plaza, full of tables with a bar filled with kegs on the backside, it must be the place where the servants sit and enjoy a bit of rest before going to the torture chambers that they call labs to make more deformed monstrosities.

My betting partner sat down as soon as he came back with a deck on his hand, we both took our 30 cards, I not wanting to win even remotely acted like a newbie and took a what some would call a "meme" deck, Gonk Druid, which surely would lose to anything no matter how one tries to win...

After 5 minutes as expected I fortunately lost, which prompted my betting adversary to bring to our boss Krilx and get me to keep the bet which I followed while trying to hold myself to not expose my relief.

Things went as expected as not only was Krilx mad at the four goblins who got him in trouble, got injured and he even got the opportunity to vent it all on this unfortunate me due to my bet with another servant, which led us to go down to the spire and having to hand our access to the labs.


Arriving at the Blackrock Spires we had to find a suitable target, he must not be very strong, easy to manipulate or distract...

We got lucky in the labs since the role of the servants we took as disguise was so insignificant that even the Lab director Master Krixix didn't know our identities, but now we will most likely deal with very unreasonable and very frustrated orcs of the Blackhand clan, alot of them were either aged magically to supplement the high casualties of the First War or were retired veterans or that war, the former was easy to fool as they were like very immature and downright stupid, the latter however were able enough to still be alive even after the First and Second War along with all the internal strifes of the orc tribes, so they were certainly not simple!

For now we need to deal with the hostages... Some unfortunate accidents that will involve learning to swim in lava should do it!

After cleaning the valuables of the four goblins who worked for so many big shots should keep us afloat for a bit... maybe borrow a bit from our dear hosts and compatriots could be good, afterall I bet I can scamm- I mean give a opportunity for some fortunate Goblins to contribute to our cause by getting them to think they can loan us money at exorbitant rates.

After settling he deal with the goblins, none had given the minimal care about such an accident, which made me think they had plenty of such happenings, now to scamm- I mean borrow from some goblins!


"Ya sure you got the money to pay your loan? you know what will happen you if you don't pay right pal?" said a sleazy looking goblin, I mean sleazer than most other goblins...

"Ye ye buddy, we signed a contract didn't we? we worked at the same place, do you think I would be able to avoid payin? Just get me the money and I will get it all back in a bet soon, you got my word" I said while being surprised at how easy it was for me to act like a goblin, maybe if I were to die right now I would become a goblin in my next life...

After receiving the money me and my taciturn companion went to a less frequented alley where I started to look at a map that I also "borrowed" while passing through the barracks.

"I learned from another goblin servant that the place where the medallions are issued, if we takr a medallion we just need to create a distraction close by then go down the mountain before they notice some unimportant servants missing, and if we get lucky we won't even need to use those medallions..."

Captain Zasarm Thunderslice was the one that we would have to deal with, he was usually a lazy bum, would sit on his room all day and only work when the Quartermaster Zigris would make him give some medallions to new people sent to the upper spires, which meant that none would notice even if he died for a while.

After arriving at the front of Zasarm's door I asked for Selia to stand watch and knock on the door if someone was coming, so that I could get them to enter the room before disposing of them as well...

Entering the room I could see a chair full of soft fur where a fat orc was snooring, before him a table full of documents and behind him a vault, which could only be opened by the key on his necklace. Approaching him I quickly use my powers to induce a deep sleep, which he could just as well not even notice was due to magic.

'I have been feeling that things are going too smooth for a while... how can they keep this facility and experiments a secret for so long if the security was so lax?' just as I thought about such I heard a knock on the door, most likely Selia was warning me of someone coming in.

I quickly hid behind the door which quickly opened almost hitting my nose, followed by which an enraged dragonkin looked at the sleeping orc with hatred at his laziness and idleness, wanting to tear this fat orc apart and feed him to The Beast, this orc could only keep his position due to the very rare trait of he possesed among the orcs, he could read and write, something many among those idiots of Blackhand couldnt, and due to staff having been so restricted he was left a very simple job so that the trully capable ones could help organize the very disorganized remnant of the old horde and the many troublesome goblins in the mountain.

While the dragonkin went to wake the fat orc up he faintly caught a scent of a dragon behind him, which make him halt and start to turn around full of suspicion, but before he could he started to feel sleepy and heavy, it has been long since he got a nice rest and reprieve from those idiots around him, every second his thoughts would become sluggish until he feel to the ground.

Theo and Selia were relieved that they could get out of this situation, but it was short lived because they knew the spell wouldn't last long, both were feeling the pain from overtaxing themselves to bring the dragonkin down and it couldnt last much, five minutes at most... which meant they had to leg it out as quick as possible!