Legs and Wings exist for Running

"What is done is done... we need to leave right away and make them lose us before they can catch up." I said hurrying Selia along to the exit, which was heavily guarded by Elementals, Drakonids, Orcs... all which could kill us very easily right now due to our very weakened state. Killing goblins in a surprise attack is easy, if we fought that fat useless orc sure we could have also won, but even catching that drakonid earlier by surprise he would most likely have wiped the floor with us, he is resistant to flame attacks, magic and has a tough hide which we would have to most likely grind to even pierce.

We look to be very young drakes, even if I am 3 meters long and Selia is 2 meters long we are still very underdeveloped due to it being the result of magic aging, which means our claws are brittle and softer than should be and our hide is more elastic than it is impervious... there are solutions for it in future I am sure, dragons are a very tenacious and powerful race when it comes to their bodies...

Not letting ourselves rest for even a bit before we left the gates after showing our medallions and telling we had orders to trade with some Bloodsail corsair who found a small nests worth of dragon eggs (which I of course made up), they looked with doubt at first but soon relented after seeing that the medallions were legitimate, something that could be verified because all of them contained a small flame belonging to General Drakkisath, a very powerful dragonspawn four legged drakonid who is only bellow the infamous Nefarion also known in his human form as Lord Victor Nefarius, the current ruler of the majority of the Blackrock mountains who drove the Dark Iron dwarves to the deep recesses of the mountain.

Soon after leaving the foot of the mountain we could hear a horn blow behind us and the gates open for allowing a search party of wolf riders to rush out of the gates, we were far enough to be able to see the group from afar but not close enough to hear the horn, and so the chase began...

We were far enough to where we could still hear the horns of our pursuers which meant that we were in deep trouble, so after deciding that taking flight and maintaining a low altitude while hiding in the gorges to the north of the mountain would be our best bet we changed into our draconic forms and beat our wings as fast as we could.

Soon it became apparent that they valued their secrets very dearly... I sighted black dragons searching the gorges, dragons which were much bigger, faster and experienced than I.

"Going high will deliver us on a silver platter to the dragons, so we have to remain low and keep hiding, we are already too tired by the constant use of magic and the high intensity of our escape... We will have to rest soon as well while our pursuers are still very energetic, the situation looks very dire, we will have to find refuge in some nearby Alliance settlements or atleast use them to buy time..."

The game and reality were very different when taking into account the sizes as far as geography is concerned, both the dungeons inside Blackrock Mountain and the Searing gorge where we are located are much much bigger than I expected... that is not to even mention the gargantuan Blackrock Mountain in the distance which dwarfed everything in the horizon and could be seen from so far away.

"The only good thing we have going for us is that we got supplies to last for some days and we can fly... Selia, can you keep going for now? The farthest our resting place is the safer we will be..." I said while looking at my often confused and surprisingly obedient companion who also proved quite helpful.

"Un, I can go for some time soon, but if we push too much head will hurt and will have to rest too long, feel weak and not be able to fly unless rest" Selia responded the longest phrase I've seen her talk... even if it is a bit of a simplistic speech.

"We will fly directly north then, after we arrive at Dun Morogh we should be able to sleep in a dwarven settlement as long as we shapeshift into either gnomes or dwarves." A feeling of amusement briefly came over me thinking of us changing our humanoid races everyday for the sake of not looking suspicious...

'Would we ever be able to be one of the best spies around just with our racial shapeshifting at this rate? Well I am sure there are plenty of hidden dragons around on the different societies of Azeroth afterall it is almost the most preferred hobby of red dragons to experience human interaction and the many different cultures one can find... long life really makes necessary for one to have many hobbies to not grow bored of life...' Letting my body work a sweat while letting my mind wonder we soon arrived at the other side of the gorge, looking around I decided to rest for a bit just so we could catch our breath to then sprint into the mountains in the north and then play hide and seek with my dragon senpais.

Seeing Selia start to wheeze and cough while breathing I decided that since I looked in a better state, I should maybe use some Power of Life to remove a bit of our fatigue since I had recovered from our encounter with the drakonid just some minutes earlier, of course I had to make sure to not overuse it, who knows if I am not throwing away my already short life span away by doing this, but I found it necessary at our current situation...

And so we rested for 30 minutes in which we were preparing ourselves to continue on our deadly race.