On Knife's Edge

As soon as we felt like we could move further we did not delay, we rushed out of our cover in the north of the gorge in the direction of the mountains further north, or objective was to reach Dun Morogh and then make the Black Dragonflight lose our track by mixing in with the people and then hurry to Dalaran where we could hope to look for an expert healer or someone who could diagnose our condition before we break apart and die a gruesome death.


As soon as Theo and Selia left the range of sight of the gorge a dark shadow appears at the place were the duo previously rested.

"Hmmm, two experiment subjects managed to escape this far, did they fake their condition to get discarded?" The enchanting ebony skinned lady with dark hair and glittering eyes said to herself, wondering about her prey and their abilities.

"No... it shouldn't be possible to fool master's eye, so they must be on their last legs and relying only on their wit to make it through... interesting, usually the experimentals are too deranged to do something like escaping with disguises, they sure are very special. Master will surely reward me if I catch them and bring them myself, if I go north we can still intercept them before they reach the border of the Iron Dwarves!" As soon as she ended her monologue she became a huge creature 10 meters in lenght who could be considered the size of a house, her direction following the trail left in the air by the smell of her prey enticing her predatory instincts.


"We have evaded most of the orc patrols, even if they are fast they can't beat even a weak dragon's speed, they can only close so many paths trying to intercept us, but I feel that following north is a trap, there are too little effort on this path, which means they are not worried about us escaping through the mountains..." Theo began analyzing their current situation making predictions about his enemies and deductions with his lacking information to the point of where he was wondering if he was just thinking too much and going paranoid or that this was what one call a "gut instinct", he was becoming more hesitant to make a decision knowing that picking the wrong one would most likely killing them, a mistake that even he grew afraid making, the stress finnaly was caughting up to him...

Selia started to have trouble with the voices in her head once again, they were clashing inside her trying to make deny each other, not surrendering in the slightest, when she finnaly started to shake her head in pain she felt once again the soothing and calm after a storm, and looked at Theo who watched over her with a look of worry.

"Are you okay? Do you need a bit more rest?" He said a bit weakly after casting once again the Blessing of Nature.

"No need, I can hold on-" In the mid of talking she snapped her head to the south feeling danger, her eyes glowing bronze while doing so.

"We need to leave! Big Dragon very close!" as soon as she said that she pointed to the east and said "That place no dragons, only place with no dragons!" shocking Theo once again, not only due to the fact that she on instinct used a bronze dragon's ability but also managed to awnser exactly what he worried about.

"O-ok, WE GO EAST!" he said while flying in front of her to help with air traction, accelerating as fast as they could to reach the sea and then move along the coast as his new plan.


In a short distance from the north mountains the black wyrm flew imposingly, coming to a sudden stop and then grinning turning her head to the east.

"Crafty little ones, I wonder who taught such barely hatched and magic aged little drakes this much, did they learn on their own or did they have a helper?" feeling that the hunt was going to be exciting she hurried to the east, of course she did not share what she knew with the other dragons, none could touch her prey, it would be her personal gift to her lover and lord, Nefarion.


Meanwhile at the sea the ship "Defiant" was on a trip coming all the way from booty bay to Menethil Harbor, the crew was a motley of adventurers, goblin merchants, and even some could once been considered pirates.

They were doing their best to "support" the alliance, for a monetary donation of its part for their effort, afterall none is better at offering their limited supply of guns and gunpowder than the entrepreneur and captian of this ship, the grand and magnanimous Steven Flamemaker, as a gnome he was always sure to deliver high quality cutting edge inventions... unfortunately he was not recognized as the genius he was... in his path to fame he made too many enemies and too many explosions while testing the limits of gun engineering and ammo tinkering.

As a result he had to create a band of merchants who would finance his engineering projects, he was reduced so low that he had to work with the dishonorable goblins of Booty Bay to get the money for his research... those green dirty handed thieves only know to steal intellectual property and scamm others to buy their faulty products, there was no gnome that didn't have atleast a distaste for the common practices of goblins...

He got a contract with some goblins to transport a precious and confidential cargo that even he didn't know, even if it did weight on his consciousness he would still do just out of between choosing giving up his dream or doing slightly very business such as smuggling he would choose the latter, afterall what's the worse that those goblins could have put on my ship?

How would Steven know that that very question he made to himself would bring him so much trouble...