The Flower of Manliness AKA Guns

Theo and Selia having been on the run for almost a whole day with only a very small amount of rest were beginning to reach the limit of their bodies, their bodies were numb, hurting and heavy, the only thing they wanted was to lay down and rest, but they kept pushing forward, only after reaching the coast they began to reduce their speed in hope that they could let the wind carry their fatigued bodies along the way.

"Seeing the sea after two days full of dangers, bleak landscapes and the smell of sulphur with ash is trully uplifting" said Theo while hopeful that the worse was past them.

"Un, beautiful" said the demure Selia while looking at the now rising sun on the horizon, the sun on the Searing Gorge area looked weak and sickly due to the high concentration of volcanic ash in the atmosphere.

It was hard to think that it was once a lush grassland used by the Dark Iron dwarfs to supply most of their food, the current landscape was due to their awakening of Ragnaros the Firelord during the War of the Three Hammers among the three dwarf tribes, another history of lust for power ending in tragedy.

Soon they let the wind carry them along the coast maintaining a safe distance from land so that they could land and rest after a good distance.


The ship Defiant went along their route passing close to the coast of the Searing Gorge a place only Dark Iron dwarves, orc and ogres could bear live in, it was quite the horrible sight looking at the land bring covered in the ashes coming from Blakcrock Mountain at the distance.

'Soon we should reach the tip of Dun Morogh, the mountains where Gnomeregan resides... I trully miss the marvels of my people and our shared genius, I wonder if those old farts are still pissed at me for the last incident... they shouldn't be right? isn't it normal for a experiment to do some collateral damage once in a while? Let the tinkerer who didn't have a lab accident throw the first stone!' thought Captain Flamemaker to himself in both nostalgia, regret and longing.

'We should be a less than a week from Menethil Harbor if all goes right...' he said while looking at his spyglass more interested in his thoughts than in the actual view he pointed his eyes at.

But his moment if contemplation soon came to an end when he saw dragons, two of them to be clear... they would certainly meet each other if both parties kept at their ritms, something which prompted him to give a call to ship, to prepare for battle.


The long awaited sight that she awaited finnaly came, she caught her prey, they were winded and exhausted, and she was already approaching them from above unnoticed, the prey that her, Avolrania, the future mate of Nefarion managed to catch, with a sneer she quickly approach the two fugitives in a bid to make take them both with her claws in a dive.

"From above!" Screamed Selia, while quickly diving to get closer to the water, something which was also done by Theo who was thinking of any way for them to either defeat the black dragon or escape this situation.

As soon as she saw her prey reacting in such a fast reaction she began to laugh loudly full of the ecstasy of the hunt ready to let out a breath of flame upon the bigger drake while going after the smaller one.

As soon as her breath hit the back and wings of the bigger drake and she was chasing the smaller one she abruptly stopped and looked to the south, there she felt something which no dragon would allow, a ship full of mortals who commited a grave sin and must be punished.

looking at the duo struggling to even keep afloat on the sea she quickly made a decision to first burn everyone mortal on that ship and take both the experimentals and the crates in which lay precious eggs...

Black dragon eggs.


Captain Flamemaker soon got anxious when he saw the Black behemoth of a dragon stop going after her prey and look in their direction with an unrestrained bloodlust, he understood right away that this would be a kill or be killed fight, and honestly he was a bit excited...

"Hans!! Do the thing!! Quick!!" Screamed the captain to his first mate which was a Old dwarf with a white beard full of knots.

The old dwarf in a quick yet steady and calm way opened a box lid in the main last of the ship, inside this lid lay a red button, every goblin, gnome or anyone who used any of their inventions knows what it means... It means things got serious and they would see something explode, they just hoped it wouldn't be them.


As Avolrania approached the ship in a direct manner without a hint of caution or fear she in her pride made a mistake, for the ship began to change, he main mast which looked like a hollow metal pole soon started to tilt in her direction, while the deck would slowly open and a huge barrel would soon show itself beneath it, and as soon as the pole was aiming at her...



The sound of a object hitting another and exploding soon resounded in the surface of the sea.

"Hans... it's beautiful..."

"Aye Captain, it brings a tear to the eye, was worth every penny!!"

They soon departed the area not only with a memory they would tell her children and grandchildren but also a destroyed carcass of a dragon, even if it was quite in a horrible mangled estate it would still allow Steven to further his desire for the destructive power of guns for a while.