Krasus' Favor

"As expected of the great Krasus! Direct to the point! Hehe, decisive, practical and concise. I am Theo, this is Selia, my partner... As for how I know of your lair it would be a long, long explanation, something which I would glad give in turn for a favor, but worry not as it is within your moral limits and easy for someone capable as you..." Said Theo while feeling like he trully needed to check if he did not have goblin blood as well in his veins.

"You sound more like you know me, but I don't remember meeting you? Neither do I think your awnser is deserving of my favor... I don't have time for games, just state your reason for visiting me!" said Krasus feeling more and more uneasy at how this dragon had the eloquency of a goblin and knowledge about him, after all Krasus had spent much time being careful in maintaining his heritage secret from the others at Dalaran.

"It is simple really Korialtrasz, I seek help, and offer payment in a sincere amount of information, about both your enemy, Deathwing, his plans and weaknesses, and about the ones pulling the strings behind the weakening of the dragonflights, the Old Gods... afterall aren't curious how the once illustrious Neltharion became Deathwing? Or how the one wise and steadfast Malygos now can not even retain the shreds of his sanity? They have a plan to corrupt each of the dragonflights, and I came directly to you to exchange this information for my safety and your aid into curing my condition... I seek merely survival and healing, and give you things more precious than all your artifacts... a fair price won't you say?" I said feeling sure this should be enough to convince my senpai, he was always a very proactive dragon, while most feel into isolation and inactivity he was one of the only who kept doing his best to aid the mortal races and defend Azeroth... making it almost impossible for him to not atleast consider very hard into trusting me.

With a look of abject shock Krasus was lost as how to respond to my revelations, and seeing how serious and confident I was, along with his mind probing spells gave him an ever deeper impact... making he fall for Theo's words and making him realize the importance that this little drake could have on the future of dragons, something which even he found hard to accept.

After a moment of silence and awkwardness, of us staring at each other I heard Krasus sigh and with a conflicted look he brought me inside his lair, but I could see clearly that I didn't earn his trust, only his attention was earned, as for trust only sincerity and time could build such.

After going through many heavily guarded doors that made the hair on the back of neck stand up, we arrived at a chamber with a table and chairs. Sitting down and calming for a bit while eating and drinking that was provided by our host I got serious and ready to talk.

"Since you are curious of my origin, let me clarify it first, perhaps you will find me more trustworthy after it, or perhaps less, but I will not hide the truth in a show of sincerity..."

And so I described of how I cane to conscience in a dungeon with only my memories of the future of this world and of my past world, and how I remember about the existence of Nefarion's and the Deathwing's experiments in creating a new stronger dragonflight, of being on top of Blackrock Mountain along with part of how I remembered being there to see his downfall in my memories, of how we barely escaped due to luck and wit and how our lives were going to be very brief if not for finding aid to mend both their bodies and spirits.

Krasus the whole time sat listening quietly and intently, realizing that I trully had deeper mysteries that I did not share, but that he found also didn't find necessary to know since everyone had their secrets and some held ways he himself could not understand, but what he was sure of was that he could see the sincerity on the others part, after all he was telling a red dragon of how he was a experiment created to kill his kind, it took alot of either trust, stupidity or shamelessness to admit such... He found himself trusting this little one words, and even wanting to help his very unfortunate and pitiful guest, but first he needed to see for himself how badly was his condition and if the information he provided held true, he decided to make a "offer" to this Theo.

"Very well, for now this is enough, I will look into this Blackrock incident and verify your words, I will look into your condition first and only after my return I will let you leave this place and aid in you quest healing yourselves."

After bringing them to a device which had two platforms, one on the ground and another floating above the other by around the height of a tall human, the platforms were surrounded by a enchanted glass cylinder, looking like one stasis chamber of the sci-fi movies he once watched. He asked for Theo to enter stand above the ground platform and activated the scanning device.

Soon even the shameless Theo found himself worried about how bad was the mess he called a body just by looking at the expression on Krasus face... it was the look of someone who was looking at a terminal patient, would that would not die peacefully, he had seen such look before...

Selia didn't understand very well why both Theo and Krasus looked so worried, but she made the assumption that it had something to do with Theo's condition, she also felt alot of pain at times, and not even to speak of her frail mind that suffered constant attacks from all sides if left to wonder for long.

Krasus trully never seen such a being... it had parts he recognized as belong to red dragons and many he just had felt trully belonged to the other dragonflights just as Theo previously claimed, something that frightened him, but also made him determined to stop the machinations of Deathwings experiments, if even a failed experiment was already such a intricate work even if with fatal flaws.... He feared what giving the black dragonflight time to perfect their craft could bring. Lastly he was amazed at how was the drake before him even alive, the muscles were atrophied, the organs misplaced, internal bleedings or teared up parts where also not uncommon... if it was himself he felt he would sought the release of death rather than persist on finding healing, even he as a red dragon, who were the masters of life, felt the most he could do was prolong his life... much less see his condition improve.

Although Theo had expected that it would be quite troublesome he didn't expect it to be so bad to the point where even an specialist was disheartened just by looking at his condition... he wasn't gonna lie, it made him more than a bit disheartened, but he still held hope in the many alternatives his vast knowledge of Warcraft gave him, Azeroth was filled with wondrous things and people, someone was bound to hold his awnser, if he persisted was sure he would find a solution.

It was the start of a very hard road for Theo, one which would change him and break him all the same.