Catching Up on News

Though it may look like me traveling to Dalaran was futile since Krasus didn't have much hope about healing me, I would not call it a labour without results, for even if he could not heal me he could give access to many places and clues, since he was already more than ten thousand years old he was bound to have seen, and met many things in his life, through him I could seek the other dragonflights, or seek for an awnser on the Alliance of Lordaeron due to his status as one of the eldest members of the Kirin'tor which was the ruling council over Dalaran, they held sway over their allies, and could allow me to meet one of my many alternatives... Priests of the Light, the Light was one of the primordial forces in Warcraft, it was a force that was commonly associated with goodness, healing and purification... even if sometimes the purification aspect of it was too emphasized post Third War. While I myself was not that hopeful of that option due to the fact that the humans were very limited in their knowledge and ability to wield the Light, they managed to make the legendary Ashbringer out of a crystal full of void energies, so who knows maybe they could do a miracle!

...Even if I wouldn't bet on it, I still had to try, for many of the options were either too time consuming or outright impossible at current moment, some needed future events to unfold or were too dangerous to try, not only that but I still needed knowledge about my spirit and how to balance the diferent powers within me, making them harmonious instead of clashing.

While we waited in our "guests room" for our host to return with news we were able to read about the current happenings in Azeroth, courtesy of Krasus after I asked him what ages and events had currently transpired to get myself situated after leaving captivity.

The second war had just ended, with the artifacts that Ner'zhul, who was the future Lich King and was one the leaders of the Horde, stole for the objective of opening many portals in Draenor, home of the orcs and ogres, to invade and conquer weaker worlds after their failed attempts of conquering Azeroth, being restored or lost, and the dark portal once again was inactive, sealing the Alliance Expedition into outland. I knew that most of the expedition still lived and that in around 15 to 20 years the dark portal would once again open in an attempt to make Illidan Stormrage, who conquered the place in a bid to fight against the Burning legion, become a target for both the Horde and the Alliance, and this would be the time when I could seek the aid of a naaru, a being of pure light, to see if could heal me, but that would take too long...

It had been 5 years since the defeat of the Horde led by Orgrim Doomhammer, and since then much of the stability had returned to the Eastern Kingdoms, even if there were still many bandits and orc raiders around causing havoc, much of the war thorn regions were beginning to recover, especially Stormwind which should be being reconstructed soon, and who was the target of the daugher of Deathwing, Onyxia, she would manipulate events to prevent alliance incursions into the Blackrock region, kidnap the king, create rebels and overall weaken the southern kingdom for close to a decade.

Meanwhile around these parts in the northern kingdoms, there were alot of disagreements between how to treat the orc prisoners of war, Lordaeron and Dalaran going for imprisonment camps while Gilneas and Stromgarde going for execution, and also the question of what to with Alterac, Gilneas and Kultiras wanting them to remain independent while Stromgarde wanting to annex their east and give the rest to Lordaeron, and meanwhile the High Elves left the Alliance, since they were constantly have to deal with the Amani trolls by themselves without the other members sending much aid, which led to a rapid decline if relations and their withdrawal from the Alliance.

"So we arrived right before that huh?" I said to myself remembering how soon a Alterac noble going by the name Daval Prestor would show up and seeming to fix all issues on the Alterac question would convince all other kingdoms with the exception of Dalaran to name him king of Alterac... of course he was a crafty black dragon known as Deathwing, the Destroyer... but that was just a detail right? Well of course that the only way to find a unanimous decision between many kingdoms involved either magic or threat of impending doom. This event will lead to the resurgence of the Aspects, the destruction of the artifact known as Dragon Soul and the Dragonqueen being freed from the Dragonmaw clan, in the event known as the Day of the Dragon.

'The dragonflights will regain a bit of their activity soon, although not much its a start, their ruin has always been related to their isolation and them being too idle in resisting the slow corruption of the Old Gods, from the Emerald Nightmare corrupting the Emerald Dream which Ysera, the Aspect of Dreams ruled over, the creation of the Infinite Dragonflight who seeks to rewrite time after the death of the Nozdormu's consort driving him the Timeless One mad and the actual state of the Aspect of Magic as shriveled and borderline schizophrenic, with a paranoia against the world.

There was much I knew that could be useful to me, but which to choose first? I would have to organize my thoughts and do first that which is capable of being done on short term and which does not require much strength.

In the end I decided upon some things:

1- Visit Archbishop Alonsus Faol in the Capital City of Lordaeron, see if can help fix either my body or spirit, the Light is capable of purying spirits and healing bodies, Faol was capable of wielding the Light even as an undead, meaning he is holds deep understanding of the Light.

2- Visit the Alterac Valley where the Frostwolf orc clan should be hiding, they were the only tribe which did not follow the demons amongst the Horde, maintaining their shamanistic routes, shamans are experts when it comes to Spirit Healing and could have some clues, the alternative is finding the Wildhammer shamans in Aerie Peak for the same.

3- Seek those of the Old Ways in Gilneas, they have druidic traditions that could hold clues to clarify what next step to make

As for the mages help... it is very risky and I have high chances of being turned into another experiment in their eyes, wishing more to understand my secrets than to find me a cure, Krasus is already a powerful mage, if he with milenia of knowledge is not able to help me, I hold low expectation of other mages...

After preparing my itinerary for the next one year or two, I started to think on how to go about it.