Sealed Deal

As Krasus left them on their cell to confirm his words Theo found himself with alot of free time on his hands, it had been the first time he could trully relax for a bit since he knew that he was on one of the safer places in this continent, even when the Scourge of the Undead wreaked havoc on the lands around this placed remained hidden and undetected.

And since he knew Krasus more than almost anyone around he wasn't worried about trusting him, he could count on his word, he only had to be respectful and wait at the moment.

Since he could rest for a bit he did so, for three days at that... but soon he grew bored of sitting on his thumbs, and looking at the forgetting Selia at his side she probably did also.

"We have not yet learned much about each other right, Selia? How do you feel right now? Want to keep going with me to find a cure?" He asked things that he was a bit sure of the awnser, but deciding it was better for her to learn how to vocalize her intentions and learn to express herself he still asked them.

"I am in pain... but good, good because friend is with me" she said while looking at me with a happy face that could melt a heart "Want to go and stop hurting! Want to stop voices in the head!" she said determined, a trait which as I traveled with her was more and more preeminent.

"We will find a way to stop them, just remember to not give in to the voices, stay clear of them until we know more." I said while fearing that such voices could contain the whispers of the Old Gods. It was be a very big tragedy to him if she became crazed and corrupted. He learned to care alot about her since she dragged his body out of the sea without letting him go. If before all he felt was curiosity and companionship, now he held feelings of respect and admiration for his smaller counterpart.

As they kept on making short conversations about simpler things such as what kind of fish they liked more, grilled or raw, what did kind of animal was harder to catch or what sight they like more on their short journey to Dalaran. Time passed faster than they noticed and soon Krasus arrived.


"Your words held true, the black dragons indeed control Blackrock... and seeing as you exist they clearly are working on perfecting a new dragonflight. I will aid you on your condition, but I find myself at a loss of how to do so... you mentioned having clues about such, I can help with that if you need. But first I will free you, and even if I may be lacking I can still try my best shot at fixing your body, it will not be perfect but surely more confortable than now." Krasus said with a visible concern and tiredness in his speech, he was clear what my infirmation meant... there would be dark and troublesome times ahead, even more troubles to add to his many.

"Good, I will prepare a journal on the timeline of events I remember, and also information about the Old Gods so we may avoid losing too much this time around. Can I also ask for magic lessons? Learning it by practice and theory is very diferent afterall, and we are in Dalaran, I don't want to lose such opportunity, we will depart in a month a most, going to Lordaeron to speak to the Archbishop and see if he has the ability of mending either Body ir Spirit. If we are able to aid you in your quest of freeing the Dragonqueen at the time, do not fret to ask, for even if our role can be small we also have our means." I said after giving a nod

"Very well, I can even prepare you a teacher, depending on how much you both know it might be better if went disguised as children, or atleast less conspicuous forms that fit an new apprentice" He said while bringing us to a chamber, the same where we were diagnosed, the platform now giving a soft and warm glow.

"Ladies first." I said while giving way to Selia, wanting to see her rid of her pain more than my own.

The process was not very pretty, it involved in making one unconscious and using magic to adjust the body, something which would be as painful as torture if one was awake, but the more he fixed her, the healthier she looked, as if the body was able to no longer collapse in just a moment of inattention.

This sight gave me hope... even if it was just correcting the major things, it was improvement and the first step into our treatment.

After the process was over Krasus levitate Selia into my arms and said "Worry not little friend, your mate will not die so soon after my treatment." He said giving me a grin while allowing me to put her to rest on a soft bed in one the empty rooms of his lair.

"Now, relax and leave the rest to me." those were the last words I heard before my vision turning blurry and then black inside the device.


I found my self on a dark and bleak landscape, filled with bodies, with blood flowing as a river, and amongst the bodies I saw Selia, devouring them and turning to me while smiling, her eyes with a deep and subtle madness.

She said "Hello honey, aren't you going to eat?"