Charity Banquet

The royal gardens of the Palace of Lordaeron, the guests nobles of the capital were present, to not only celebrate the peace, but share the fruits of their prosperity with their less fortunate allies.

Archbishop Faol having vowed to aid the construction of the kingdom of Stormwind had often worked with the nobles of Lordaeron to send financial aid along with paladins and priests to aid in the reconstruction effort, even if the Stormwind kingdom no longer had to fear orc incursions they still had their fair share of troubles, from trolls to the south, to gnolls to their east on the Redridge Mountains, nagas and murlocs in the coast regions... wherever one adventurer went they would a place to prove their valour, making it necessary to include military protection along with capable healers to aid the efforts of the kingdom.

Faol was a pious and gentle man, he was one of the reasons why the Church of Light rose to such heights and remained humble and just, it was Faol's dream to make the three precepts known to the common people to make the world shine brighter.

The king and the higher nobility were not present at such feast, they had more important things to do in this time, from hunting down orcs, rebuilding the land and guarding the internment camps they were often very busy.

King Terenas Menethil II merely opened his garden for the event and paid to help organize such feast, Faol was given the opportunity to then invite the nobles and rich families of the Capital to ask for their donations while he ministered and attended to their spiritual needs.

Theo and Selia did alot of work to get into this event, they got hold of information sellers and bought information about reclusive lesser noble families, and then went into their mansions, shapeshifted into their appearances and let them sleep in their homes and wake up only after the fact.

They approached the stout and short man, his white beard making him reminiscent of Santa Claus from his old world. His ceremonial robes and jeweled staff did not give him a haughty and unapproacheable feeling but rather he gave the feeling that those things were merely decorations and unimportant.

Faol had a friendly aura about him, hardly anyone that met the man would have thoughts of hostility or suspicion on their minds.

Disguised as the baron of a small manor outside the city they introduced themselves with their titles, and then got to business.

"Your holiness, your generosity for then downtrodden knows no bounds, me and wife would like to speak with you in private when possible, it's a spiritual issue of the most grave... in fact we are unaware of how long we have."

("I am sure you have noticed that we are not the baron and his wife, I merely borrowed their identity to meet you... what I just said is true... a dark force seeks to lead us unto madness and despair, without the Light how can one walk in the darkness? Please allow us to have a talk in private after the banquet, I could on your famous generosity")

The archbishop looked at me with a smile while nodding and awnsering "Certainly, it is the duty of mine to aid any in need, and I do so with pleasure, seek me out at the Morning Abbey later, I am sure we can solve such issues."

The banquet was long, and as we were in a disguise we didn't linger, we departed as soon as possible to wake the baron and his family for the sake of not being found harming the nobles of the kindgom.


Later that same day in Morning Abbey we wore our hoods and robes, even if one were to suspect us they not think much bad from a antisocial mage, even if mages did have bad reputation amongst the common folk few would ever go and antagonize them, usually only paladins would get into arguments with them because of differing views and the general negative view towards any spellcasters other than priests.

"Good, you both have come, follow me to my office."

While following Faol inside this quite humble church we noticed that this abbey was a paladin's training facility, warriors would learn the ways of the priest and priests would learn the ways of the warrior, that's how paladins came to be. reaching his office he quickly asked.

"You are not human are you? I don't discriminate, so don't worry, I just found it curious to find a dragon seeking spiritual guidance from the Light. I guess even dragons have their troubles... so should we start by you explaining to me your situation?" Said Faol with a curious but kind countenance

"Our identities are quite unique, born out of experiments, forcefully made to be slaves under a dark lord. During our conception we seem to have been tainted by a evil power that gives us nightmares, and makes us hear voices in the night, uses from temptation to fear to make us yield, you are the best when it comes to the Light, if you cannot help us, few can." I said while trying to hold back on specifics about the Old Gods or Deathwing, since the nature of the void is always the same be it Old Gods or Void Lords, this shouldn't matter for our spiritual treatment.

"You seek my aid, yet the Light has already given you aid, do you need feel the connection to the Light inside you?" Faol questioned

"I do, but know not how to wield it." I answered

"That is a simple matter, you don't need to think too far, merely will it into being, it into becoming a shield, a fire or a sword, and it shall go according to your will. The power depends only on your connection to the Light, that's something which can be grown if you live by it and dedicate yourself to understanding the good inside you and others." He said

"But that was not the only thing I came here for, even if this is my biggest trouble, I also need to help my body, no matter how many times we heal with it using magic or some other means, it soon starts to deteriorate once more, so I thought to give atleast a try."

Following that Faol casted his most powerful healing spells, trying to mend our flesh and will the Light into repairing our bodies, but alas it was in vain.

Faol seemed to understand our desperation, if even the Light can't you, who can you turn to? Feeling as his guests came in a quest to find him and return only with some mild advice that any priest could give them, he decided to gift Theo a book of holy spells, in it were example of histories and powers that many priests and paladins found possible wielding the Light, it was usually something only paladins and priests would receive, but he felt right gifting it.


Later that night Theo was sitting in bed with Selia on the side, thinking about how he went through all that trouble for something he kinda already had inside since the beginning of their travel made him realise that the awnser may already be inside him.

His plans were since the beginning to find some expert to heal him and then grow stronger, but should he not first try to grow stronger through the process too, grow stronger using the Light instead of just using it to get healed, and do so for the art of shamans and druids as well?

He made a decision that day that while simple to him, would revolutionize how people see the interaction between the spirit, soul and magic.