*No Spoillerino*

With the conviction to master the uses of not only the Light but also all powers he would gain in his journey, he began to consider how to find the Frostwolf tribe in the Alterac Valley, to be guided in the ways of shamanism to learn how to communicate with the spirits and elements. He had a good hunch about this, maybe he would find something he was better suited than pure arcane pursuits.

He then began to study both the book Faol gave him about holy spells and the crystal his teacher gave him, trying to see how the Light worked in comparison with the other magical methods.

He saw that the Spirit mentioned in both druidism and shamanism was similar to his black dragon power, and learning their ways could help him improve his ability to use more draconic powers, but there was little he could compare to the Light, since Dalaran was still a regional power instead of international metropolis they did not yet study many of the peoples in Azeroth which hampered his progress.

He wished to develop a universal method which could make one able to wield any power while still retaining their own Will and instead of borrowing power, being able to increase it in his own. To make his inner strength capable of affecting the world.

Once he grew frustrated at his lack of progress, and not finding much based only on the current books, he decided to learn more arts before trying to make a breakthrough in how to change the training methods natural to this world.

Abandoning his books he let a sigh and relaxed for a bit, thinking about his future and what did he want to do.

Sitting in bed still he turned to Selia, and watched her still reading the books inside her crystal, focused and determined.

Feeling as she was always working so hard, he wanted to reward her today, he would take her on a date through town, let her eat what she wanted, see what she wanted and buy what she wanted.

Approaching the chair from behind her he put her head in a hug and kissed the top of it, after that he asked her "Want to go on a date with me?"

Dragons didn't have dates, at least not the normal kind, but after reading so much she understood what they were, it was a courting thing. Theo finnaly got the balls to take the next step in their relationship, she understood that he was busy planning and scheming things all day and had little time for romance, but now he let those things put and asked her to go on a walk with him.

"Un" said the elf looking dragon with red cheeks and ears.


They came to the marketplace, as their first stop, where Theo followed Selia's every whim, she went from stall to stall. She was eating like if she had a void in her stomach, everything she would get Theo would get a bite or two and only after she was full did she think of doing something else. She seemed to like eating when letting loose, Theo noticed.

Seeing Selia not knowing what wanted to do next, he decided to take her on his arms and fly up in a stealthy manner, making sure to maintain invisibility on all times, as they soared up into the sky, he took his dragon form while bringing her on his back.

(AN: Playing Let me Show you the World while writing.)

The sun was beginning to set over Lordaeron Lake, with its mirror like reflection on the calm lake. There they flew onto the sunset up and down the clouds, chasing each other, play biting, racing and Selia even shapeshifting when she reached him back to give him a hug.

'Moments like this are what I live for!' thought Theo with a silky smile on his face.

But they day was not over yet, they still had all night, they were young dragons full of energy as well... and since they were dragons, a bed would most likely be destroyed along with the room.

They went to a cave some ways away, and there they shared each other's warmth, playing and exploring each other, they would only stop after the sun was high in the sky.


While the duo was having the time of their lives and not even aware that there were people scheming once again from the shadows.

A large shadow was coming from the south in the direction of the north, Nefarion after learning of his experiments playing around Dalaran through his informants, came to a manor on the country side of the Alterac Kingdom, this manor had the name of Ravenholdt Manor, and was the main hideout of the famous League of Assassins.

"Fahrad, have you found the two runaway failures? Even if they are not a big priority, they still hold information that we would prefer remaining secret." said the handsome black haired Lord Nefarius

"They were last seen on the sea coast of Searing Gorge, they moved in the direction of Lordaeron, it's a big area but they are still searching about any suspicious couple that came out of no where. The report should come shortly with a list of suspects."

Fahrad continued "But we have found who killed Avolrania... It was a ship called 'Defiance', they chanced upon her while w

she was chasing the experimentals, the crew said the two drakes fell on the sea, one them had his wings burned and couldn't fly, the other one went after the wingless one and both disappeared on the sea, but we are looking into Dalaran, Gilneas and Kultiras for them. As for the ship, something interesting came out.. "

"The ship was carrying dragon eggs, black dragon eggs."