Plans and Intentions

"Oh, someone brought black dragon eggs all the way to the Alliance? Have you found who did so?" Said Victor Nefarius with an amused calculating look.

"Yes my lord, after interrogating some crew members and the ones who stole them from the isolated island one of our kind made its nest in, we should that they were given the location of the island, and the island was now empty and as soon as we traced the crates in land all the eggs were gonne, we suspect the red dragonflight as only they could scout such isolated islands, take the dragon away from its nest and disappear into the air with the eggs, also we got a name, a female goblin named Rhea, we could not located her." awnsered Farhad.

"Very well, I want the report on the runaway failures of mine by the end of the day, otherwise you will be my next experiment." Said the haughty and patient Nefarion.

"Yes my lord!" Said Farhad now sweating and shivering at the thought of the rumors he heard of the labs in Blackrock.

Soon after Nefarion left, he sighed in relief, he was almost was caught while doing something he shouldn't, Farhad had always been too ambitious, he assumed operations of one of the back bone organizations under the control of the black dragonflight, it was usually easy to hide things if he did his job correctly and gave only the right amount of information.

He was interested in those experiments too, reports suggested that they were cunning and able to do much even with big limitations on their powers, they chose wit instead of pure might to make their escape from the labs, a trait not many dragons possessed and also the trait that made one of the most dangerous of the black dragons to sleight he thought. He grew curious even more when a low end group of assassins working with one of factions of the Council of Six all died at their hands, all but one of them that is... he made sure to not mention the event to his masters, afterall he shouldn't betray a future subordinate now, should he, they even said one of them as a Female didn't they? I wonder if I should father the new dragonflight before either Deathwing or Nefarion do?

He would usually hide some branchs of the Assasins Guild and without his master's knowledge he was very aware of their plans to create infighting in the kingdoms and the plans to create the perfect dragonflight. But if they succeeded there would no place for him once those "perfect" dragons were born, he would still be a regular black dragon, full of ambitions and with a very good sense of his own value, he didn't like what he couldn't control, and expecting the benevolence of his lords would never give him what he wanted, it would never...

Make him the new Earth Aspect.


Back in the outskirts of Lordaeron the dragon duo was already leaving the city behind, their next stop was Alterac Mountains, to find the Frostwolf clan.

After their night together, they were much more affectionate with each other, and felt like they could almost hear each other's thoughts, they would keep happy smiles and even happier hearts, the nightmares all but ceased for the time being making their nights only be sleepless due to "fortunate" reasons instead of the mind confrontations with the dark.

They would maintain their system of flying at night and resting till the noon before going on foot until sunset, trying to maximize their travel time while not bringing them under the sights of the gryphonrider patrols that went over their heads every so often, and that during last week became more frequent.

According to a river fisherman they met in their travels there were dragons striking the interior of the kingdom, the orcs were getting desperate to make the Alliance retreat from Khaz Modan and focus on defending their selves.

For most others it was just that, but I knew that the timing of these events meant that the Day of the Dragon and of the event to free Alextrasza was approaching fast, in just a couple months if I am not mistaken, but that would be something I don't even have to right to participate right now, afterall Deathwing was one of the main players, and the other Aspects would also show up to deal with him, even then a single mistake meant our death, Deathwing was capable of holding and win in his exchange with three of the five Aspects by himself before Rhonin destroyed the Dragon Soul... something I would love very much to get my hands on during this event, atleast to study it.

The Alterac Kingdom was currently without a ruler, under the temporary administration and on martial occupation from the other kingdoms. The last ruler of Alterac Aiden Perenolde betrayed the other human kingdoms by allowing the orcs to not only march through his last but also by taking the supplies mean to fight them and delivering them to the orcs, allowing the Horde to reach Capital City and siege it without the Alliance be able to do much to stop them, an alteraci general by the name of Hath denounced his king to the Alliance which deposed Ainden and occupied the lands, the lands were still under hot debate as for should receive them, some wanting to divide it between them or others wanting a independent kingdom to maintain the balance of power in the region.

The region of Alterac was usually very barren, but the valleys allowed for a fertile place to grow food, while the barren regions usually were full of many many mineral regions, which were the main export of the kingdom and one of the pillars of its existence.

I was sure that I would find the Frostwolf in one of those valleys, but for that I needed a guide, and I had an idea to who look for.