
Seeing as we had to hurry to avoid someone that was pretty powerful we soon came to Baron Valimar Mordis' territory, to allow our tauren friend say his goodbyes, we didn't disclose our identity as dragons to him and he shouldn't know much, we said that we were going to Kalimdor, it should sound believable enough in case someone interrogated him and give a fake trail for our pursuers.

We departed in the night in the direction of Kultiras, where the more ancient ways were still alive and well compared the Light and Arcane centered kingdoms in this continent.

At first I thought about visiting the gilnean harvest-witches and Old Ways practitioners, but soon gave up on that thought thinking how there was a way more developed branch of such knowledge belonging to the Drustvar in Kultiras.

During our travel I began digesting the changes I went through in Alterac, how I came to the conclusion that the mind is a powerful tool to both help us and to damn us.

Me and Selia had always had been plagued by an excess of information belonging to our draconic inheritance, way too much knowledge is not always good... it brings confusion and pain the mind once a threshold is met.

So I decided to put my skills in mind magic to the test and sort those memories, mine were already somewhat sealed by the mysterious system I had, but Selia's were often rampant, making her hiss in pain or have dazed looks once she dwells too many hours into her magic studies. She flat out ignored 3 of the 5 inheritance we had, focusing her efforts in the blue and bronze dragonflight powers, and even that felt overwhelming.

So I decided to test my magic on myself first to avoid damaging my lover, once I was aware how to seal memories safely I would seek to proceed with giving Selia some reprieve from the burgeoning knowledge that was constantly dumped into her mind.


As we camped in the forest close to sea at Hillsbrad I got focused on my task and cast the incantations of mind intrusion into myself.

It was quite demanding to be both the user and target of the spell at the same time, it was like using your eyes to see both outside and inside your eye globes.

I couldn't find my draconic memories at first, being able to only focus on my own memories as Theo instead of the ones grafted into me.

After some searching... I came to look at the memories at the moment I tried to use my draconic powers, I understood that the draconic memories would briefly be loosened from their seals, giving my spirit a instinctual reaction due to that.

Following the trail of the memories upon my mind and coming upon the seal, I realised that it was something far, unbelievably so, from my abilities.

Just looking at such seal made my mind go blank, overwhelmed and awed at how something like that was always inside me. My head started spinning trying to understand it.

It was shocking to see such intricate design, filled with not only complicated patterns but also holding will in it, that is right, a magic pattern also containing the will of something which I could only link to the system.

As for what these revelations entailed? At the moment I was not sure, I just came in contact with using my spirit to listen to the wills around me, it was still not something I could understand at my level.

The more I looked at it the more my head hurt, it could not process and comprehend the seal, only brief looks at a time, in a very superficial and unfocused way was I able to take the sight of it. Any attempt of focusing on any of its parts brought pain, making me undo the spell and stand there dazed for a few minutes until finally recovering after Selia shook her hand in front of me and called me out of my stupor.

"Theo, are you ok? I got scared for a bit..." She said while cupping my face on her hands.

"Y-yes... I was just a bit too overwhelmed..." I then didnt keep talking, only to see her wanting me to go on and explain what I meant.

"I was too overwhelmed at your beauty and genius!" I said while giving her a peck in the lips while she first blushed and then following that frowned knowing I wasn't giving her the awnser she wanted.

"I have a seal in my draconic memories, they let me not get overwhelmed by them, I am not sure why or how it was done, but I wanted to study it to help you." I now said seriously.

"I'm fine for now, don't worry, I feel like I am learning how to not be overwhelmed by the memories." she comforted me.

"You get dazed sometimes, and I know when you are in pain, we are used to physical suffering but the one that comes from the mind and spirit is not easy to get used to. I will find a way to seal you memories so you can digest the inheritance slowly." I promised her, while caressing her cheek.

"Un, I trust you!" she said with a heartwarming smile.


While the duo was on their own world, a tauren who stood guard at night was facing a group of hooded figures with bows just outside.