Disturbed Travels

Trag was out during his turn to keep watch over their camp, thinking about the journey that his life had been until then, how he left his tribe as little more than a calf, met many peoples, fought many monsters, was chased away many many times as a monster, he was even once taken as a local deity of a minor murloc tribe, he would only know that recently when he shared that history with his friend Valimar, who told me the little creatures worship anything that is the strongest thong they had seen, since he was the only strong one around, they worshiped him, simple as the brains and huts of the little walking fishs are.

He also met elves before, they were common on the Broken Isles, atleast the night elves were, in his homeland they even had a type of elven neighbors known as nightborne, it was rare to see them due to them being in self isolation, but they knew of their existence, his ancestors had fight along elves in the War of the Ancients and they even now had night elven friends.

As soon as he heard the arrow hit right between his legs and pierce the rock he was sitting on, he had the suspicion that only elves could hold such archery skills.

And as he saw the hooded figures, he was certain of it.

"What does a highmountain do so far from home?" asked the melodious and stern voice.

The leading figure of the hooded rangers soon approached him, clearly not with hostile intentions, but rather as someone that met a compatriot in a distant land.

"In search of adventures and companions to share them." he said, wondering why she was so familiar.

"And it seems as you found both," she said while looking at the bigger tent in the camp.

"We are in search of dragons that razed a village a few hours from here... maybe you have seen them?" Said the elf in a mysterious tone.

He seemly flinched at the word dragon, but acting as if he was good at lying he said "N-no, there are no dragons here..." in a sense that would make even someone without any suspicion come to doubt him.

"Oh? My eyes saw two shadows flying at night, and they happened to land here you see... so, for your eyes to miss it I would have to doubt you are actually a Highmountain." she said in a playful tone.

"Ah.. yes, you are talking about THOSE dragons... well then, maybe we got some of those here, maybe not... what you intend to do about it?" he said while gripping his axe harder ready for a fight. 'No matter if they know my tribe, I won't allow anyone to hurt my friends.' he said to himself.

Looking at the tauren readying himself to a fight of life and death for the sake of his companions she grinned. 'Cheeky calf, so young and innocent yet he readies to fight to bitter end for them.. trully a Highmountain.' she thought as she nodded.

"We want to chat with them for bit, we don't mean harm no them, stay your blade. I am sure it will be a nice chat for both the parties ok?" Said the elf while going towards the tents and motioning him to follow.


When the duo was no longer in their own little world, they noticed that things seemed a bit too silent and there was a faint magic smell around. Both of them silently nodded to each other, I was activating my Earth Connection power, feeling the land and detecting presences outside, there was an elf lady coming together with Trag in the direction of their tent, it seemed as both of them reached an agreement.

'Trag isn't the type of guy to betray his friends. Is he being controlled or did he judge the guests to not be dangerous? I guess the latter since I don't feel hostility from the elves.' He analyzed the situation and became ready to prob his guests for their reasons.

Soon Trag entered their tent saying how an elf ranger wanted to meet them and have a chat, then he added "She knows you are dragons, she says she sighted you both before we set camp." to the surprise of the duo.

"Why would she want to talk to two dragons?" I started to wonder, but decided to just start our nice little chat and find out.

"Come in!"

"Oh, if it isn't the most sought after couple in Lordaeron, just as I suspected... There's many people after you both, but I guess you are more aware of this than anyone." She said with an appraising look at the duo.

"You have caused quite the stir at Alterac and Hillsbrad you know? Before there were only orc dragon riders who would raid and get killed by the many gryphon riders patrolling the region, but now something has shown up and is killing both the dragon riders and gryphon riders... a large shadow some may say, few know what it is or what it is after... got what I mean?" she said while teasing and being serious at the same time.

"Where is the "big black shadow" you speak of? They shouldn't know where we are at moment, and how do you know about us again?" he said, not forgetting how their guest didn't even introduce herself.

"Ok, ok I guess it's natural to have so many questions... allow me to introduce myself, I am Emmarel Shadewarden, as for how I know you... anyone who has contacted the underground organizations would know of the enormous bounties on both of you, of course the bounty does not refer to you both as dragons, but the one who submitted the request was very clear of your identities."

When I heard her name I temporarily came a stop, I knew the name, she's the leader of the Unseen Path, an order of hunters who work in the shadow to defend the innocent and that was present in many events in history without anyone noticing.

And this elf was older than even the High Elven kingdom of Quel'thalas, she fought in the War of the Ancients and even along side Huln Highmountain, which even prompted me to look at my musclehead friend.

"I understand, you want to kill the large shadow right? And use us as bait is it?" I said as soon as I organized my thoughts and discovered her origins.

"Hooh, quite smart of you, not wonder you've been able to avoid them for so long..." she said as she nodded.

"So, how about it? I will owe you one for this, but don't worry, we've seen worse than a slightly above average black dragon, it will be fine."