Making friends and making heroes.

'A favour of an underground organization? At the moment one of the things I lack the most is information, I don't have a reliable channel to discover news nor to help me search for the whereabouts of people in the future... It could prove immensely useful to have the aid and contact of this group of hidden vigilantes.' My thoughts were in how they were proficient enough to never have been found before the third invasion of the Burning Legion, being able to stay undetected while having an impact in history is what I need to change the events of the future in a less conspicuous manner, it may even aid in the aid against the Old Gods cultists.

One of the troubling aspects of being transported to an multiplayer game was the fact that I didn't know if there would be a lack of characters facing off the threats that would have been solved the players in the actual game.

This is not a game and if things reach breaking point in some moments of history all couls be lost... there are certain events that hold more dangers than others but there are still quite alot that would not be solvable without the "heroes" of the Alliance and Horde working together, would they still show up among the crowd or would I have to bring them up myself?

Since it was impossible to prevent so many things even if there were tens of me, I wondered if I had to find supplementary ways to get the lacking hands the future would need.

This is a good opportunity and I think I can hold my own against a average senpai of mine...'

"Very well, I'll be the bait, I can be pretty good at directing attention to myself. In exchange for that favor let's work together in the future, deal?" I said extending my hand for a handshake.

"You trully are not afraid of being captured? I wonder where does such confidence come from... but you can trust us, even if you cannot fight back we can make sure it won't kill you." Being more than ten thousand years old would usually bring some changes to the countenance of someone, it would make them so confident in the skills they honed that they would not even flinch in the face of uncertain events, but rather act calmly with experience of many life times, it was certainly not boasting when they said about killing the dragon by themselves.


Patrolling the sky over the hills and forests of the Hillsbrad region was a large black shadow, Fearion, a above than average sized black wyrm, he was one of the few wyrms remaining of the black dragons but was small for his age, making so that he had to obey when those superior to him ordered, and if he dare refuse who knew what would happen to him? Being made into another experiment was the last thing any of the subservient black dragons would want.

Fearion was responsible for the South while other two dragons were responsible for the east and west of Alterac, the one who ordered him was actually Farhad, asking to keep any dragon or gryphon from ever crossing this region.

Such a move would likely bring to attention the other dragonflights if not careful, so to make sure they would only think it was war casualties, they would make sure to hold back on not mangling the bodies too bad and to kill also the dragon riders sent by the horde a ways away to then forge a battle around.

It was not by any stretch a safe nor perfect plan but he wasn't tasked with going after any target nor to put himself at any more unnecessary risks, just patrol and don't let someone out.

Farhad had actually made it a bit obvious for those involved in the little chess game but not that much to those not paying attention, the two dragons could most likely be able to understand that they were being chased by their previous owners and would want to avoid the region after doing some scouting.

He planned to use the resourcefulness of the little crafty experimentals against them. making so that they would have to take certain routes where he could take them for himself without others suspecting.

This way he could say he was doing his best in catching them while having the leeway of not being able to get them even after employing many resources.

Since even Nefarion couldn't argue of the duo's capabilities since they escaped right under his nose, he figured he himself wouldn't be under too much scrutiny.

His ambushes were ready to be sprung and even he himself wouldn't be able to escape if he found himself inside them. All that was needed was to bring the mice to the trap.


Meanwhile not even knowing his rats were aiming to kill an cat, Theo did not let Selia follow him in this mission. Selia was agile but had inferior speed due to her smaller size, and she was quite fragile and vulnerable for a dragon while I had plenty of defensive means with both the Light and shamanism powers.

After my time of enlightenment and meditation in the shaman's training I felt myself growing stronger and able to use more of my draconic powers, confirming that it was indeed the spirit that needed to grow and heal to be able to use them fully.

This meant I was already healing my spirit and cleansing my soul of the influences of the Old Gods. I know only needed to solve the issues with my body. With the druids I should be able to fix my body and with mind magic I should be able to help Selia to experience the things I leaned along with me.

I felt confident in taking this challenge.