'Our target was being spotted often in the places close to the coast line, it meant that both the black dragons and I were aware of each other, but there were still many things that didn't add up... ' Theo thought with suspicion
'Why would they make such obvious moves when they have been trying to keep others in the dark? Why would a black wyrm show up when they were precious to each dragonflight? All for me?' He thought that the black dragons would forget about him once he left Khazmodan, flying over the Alliance was a whole another ordeal than it was to dominate the Blackhand orcs, the Alliance had powerful mages, gryphonriders, dragonhawks and other kinds of air units. The horde on the other hand barely had enough spellcasters after the death of Gul'dan and the betrayal of Ner'zhul.
'And what about the other dragonflights? Did they not notice the black wyrm going around so brazenly? Why are they not responding?' I thought.
But I was not that distressed, afterall they were not sure of my location and neither of my strength, I had grown alot since our escape and made sure to let anyone who saw our battle prowess escape, not with the memories of it atleast.
'The fact that the Unseen Path showed up is even more weird for me, they usually were involved with things that would topple kingdoms acting at a point to avoid such from happening. Was there something more to this?' My habit of thinking about all the details or implications got the better of me while I departed with the elves, always looking for conspiration and plots set up against us, sure it helped plenty of times, but it also exhausted my mind and occupied my time.
Seeing as my thoughts were wondering once again, I calmed down and took in some deep breaths, and decided to once again listen to the spirit around me, hear it instead of making assumptions.
I felt rage and hatred hidden underneath the hood, anguish and regret as the elven leader looked at the direction where the flying shadow would come from.
I suddenly understood once more that no matter what organization or kingdom they had, people were always moved by desires, be they good or bad.
The reason the Unseen Path showed up most likely wasn't in accordance with their views, but was because of their leader.
Fearion the Dreadful was his name, even with him not being the strongest or the more capable of the dragons in his flight, he was certainly one of the more known in the past.
During the War of the Ancients he was one who teared the throats of both demons and previous allies. When Deathwing used the Dragon Soul, the artifact which symbolized the betrayal of the Black Dragonflight to wipe away swathes of demons and night elves alike, he cherished, he saw his flight as above all and that all should feel fear when before them.
He was particular about making the lesser races, the puny mortals tremble at his feet. He began a rampage in the supply lines of the night elves forces, before they were driven back by the other dragons he was able to char whole villages, a lesson he taught them, about respect.
She still remembered when she came home looking for her sister, how the fight had become so bad that she thought to take her to a safer place before returning to the fight in the frontlines, only then would she be able to fight in peace.
Emmarel Shadewarden came home to find only ash and much anguish, in her house she found no more her home but rather the resting place of her sister, burnt into charcoal.
She made a decision to chase after the one who dis this, even if she had to chase the dragon to another world, but now she had to fight, fight for those who were still left.
That was the story behind this operation, her subordinates also knew it, but didn't oppose it.
She has always been a devoted leader to their cause, likely because she sought to flee the grief of her lost home and sister. She found solace in making the world a better place, without looming for neither fame nor glory, even if being unknown to the world, as were the vows the of Unseen Path.
But she wanted the dragon to know, to know why he died, that his actions ten thousand years ago would still chase him and end him.
The ambush was set, the dragon came imposingly seeking to kill and destroy all who caught sight of him. He was controlling himself quite a bit these days, feeling horrible to have to hide like a rat with so many petty tricks when he was do superior, all he wanted was someone to vent his anger and frustration right now.
And soon that wish came true. In the distance a silver figure flew low, just between the trees, the target his masters awaited for came as that annoying Farhad predicted, and he wouldn't be Fearion if he didn't make him suffer.