New Allies, New Plans

Inside the crater stood the proud tauren, in his shoulder the axe, now partially broken from his earlier strike, underneath stood his defeated foe, Fearion the Dreadful. He felt like he pushed his limits in the last fight, becoming stronger and being able to wield his axe better, if it was the buffs he received or the intensity of the fight he could not tell, just that the him from now was much stronger than the him from before it.

This fight was able to bring us much needed experience about fighting stronger enemies to their party, before they thought there were few enemies they couldn't defeat by their combined strength, but now they saw their limitations, were it not for the ambush and the special arrow blessed by Elune they would most likely not be able to kill such a mighty foe.

The previous overconfidence was no longer present in Theo and Selia, they had much to grow still, much to learn and much to train.

The good thing was that they could finally test their limits and grow stronger in this fight, even if they were still lacking, they had taken one of many steps to change that, if they dutifully followed their own paths, they would one day reach the peak as long as they survived.


"Thank you for your assistance... eh you didn't tell me your name did you?" Said the obviously pained Emmarel, trying to hide the grief of her lost companions with a teasing smile.

"Its Theo, this is Selia, my lover." I said last part with pride while looking at her in the corner of my eyes.

"Quite the sweetheart you both are huh? little Selia glared at me with so much hostility when I proposed the plan that if glares killed I would've died hundreds of times. See little Selia? Your love is safe and sound, and you have one less trouble on your list of enemies." She said focusing the talk on them, perhaps trying to change the atmosphere that the losses caused.

"So... about that favor we asked... I want you to help me locate someone, and aid them in their task, as identity of the one we are looking for, her name is Rhea, she uses the guise of a goblin and is a red dragon, she should be interested in some specific researches, but I'm not certain what is her progress in it, I want to know her information and work with her in it."

"You sure like to get involved with your kin huh? Tracking dragons is usually not easy, but I do owe you... say do you want to make a deal of sorts?" She asked with a expression that she had an idea.

"Go on, it's not like we have much to do in future anyway..." thinking how we didn't have many mid term objectives after the healing and training we would undergo. Other than the operation to save Alextrasza and maybe help out Krasus here and there to mend the dragonflights relations, we did not have much we needed to accomplish, only somethings which were possible to do but would take alot of manpower.

"Great! Then it is settled, I will travel in your party for a while!" she said while shamelessly entering in our party


I wondered why this ancient night elven ranger decided to join us, was our identities really that novel that this old woman decided to go with us out of boredom? I always thought that long lives where the reason for them being eccentric and whimsical, one had to enjoy life to make their time worth it right? So after thinking so I was less suspicious and wary of Emmarel.

As for the task I asked her, she let her subordinates do it, they had atleast a few centuries of experience, meaning they were were trustworthy.

Somehow she knew we were going to Kultiras, which meant she clearly had someone tailing us much sooner and closer than expected, I even suspected the innocent musclehead Trag for a second and quickly dismissed the thought, anyways she knew alot more abiut us than I expected, but it also made me want to take bigger measures when talking about our plans in the future.

For now we would hurry to fix Selia and mine's condition, after that I was thinking on exploring for a bit, maybe even get in touch with Brann Bronzebeard and see where we end up, he was always an expert at finding important information and treasures left by the titans.

We had much to do to survive the Third War, the Burning Legion would come in full force if not stopped and even if in the game things went favorably, I cannot deny that my very presence in minor events had not change the future, I didn't plan on dealing with everything myself, but I would atleast keep looking out to prevent any changes, or even grab somethings for myself.


We were already on the shores of Lordaeron, with me carrying Trag and Selia carrying Emmarel although begrudgingly so, our destination was the island nation of Kultiras, a place with surprisingly ancient heritage and hidden dangers.